I have a question on my '65 temp gauge. It will either max out one way or the other. I think it's most likely a ground somewhere. Before i go hunting is there a place that i can pick up a new one just in case or is my best bet to hunt it all down tear up the carpet and go for it? Matt
Matt, Is it the Temp gauge or the fuel gauge? If Temp, the wiring is all above the carpet. Check the harness connectors between the cab and firewall. Loose, bad or missing connections, etc. It doe sound like grounding, so check the negative ground cable off the battery. Advice... Pick up a service manual. They have the wiring diagrams as well as all other information for suspension, frame, body repair. They pay for themselves in time saved.
You might want to make sure that you have the correct sender, With a gauge the sender is a variable resistor, the resistance changes with the temp change. However with warning lights the sender is simply a switch.
I know it's the temp gauge because the fuel gauge works just fine. It floats a little when i'm driving over bumps etc. I'm planning on installing a kill switch this weekend and i guess hunting for the ground. Thanks guys. Matt