I am not sure how the throttle cable connects to the throttle linkage on the carb. The choke cable connects to a brass block with a pin hole and screw. The throttle appears to have a hole where the block should go but there is nothing there but the hole. I suspect something should attach to the end of the cable so it can ride freely through this hole without engaging the throttle cable. So am I right or wrong.
The throttle cable goes through the little hole where the accelerator linkage attaches to the carby IIRC. You then attach a set screw fitting to the end of the cable after it passes through the linkage. This allows the throttle cable to pull up on the linkage and also the linkage to ride up the throttle cable as you depress the gas pedal. The set screw fitting is available at your FLAPS or in most catalogs. It's just a little brass tube with a hole in the side that the cable goes through and a set screw on the end that tightens down onto the cable. There should also be a cable clamp on the carb that the housing of the throttle cable mounts to. It tightens down onto the cable with a screw. Choke cable mounts horizontally. Throttle cable mounts vertically, pointing down towards the linkage. Look for a screw hole if the clamp is missing as it often is. Hope this helps. Zig posted some great pics of his original carb setup that shows the proper orientation, but I can't find it now. Search his posts under "throttle" or "choke" and you may find the pics. His was missing the fitting. Oh...the heck with it. I printed the pics. I'll scan them and post them in a minute or two. Andy
THANX Andy ! For the clear post . Often , folks send in thier old carby with the stamped sheet metal cable bracket on it and don't realize it's gone missing untill three years later when they re-assemble the truck... This happened to my truck so the DPO just left the cables flopping 'round under the hood ~ that simply wouldn't do on my shop truck even if it is a POC so I bought a junk carby for $5.00 because it had the later model choke cable only bracket on it... at least I then had a choke for cold weather operation There's a specific name for those cable end clamps although it escapes me at the moment .
Hey Bill, That's not MY carby!!! That carby and it's gasket belong to one Mr. Ziggy Stardust. I just liked his pics that showed the proper placement of the cables so I printed it to go into my assembly book along with countless other posts from countless other members. Everyone here is a wealth of info and everyone's posts are awesome. Besides...what's wrong with his gasket? His truck runs, doesn't it? That's the beauty of these AD trucks. They run even when if you look at the engine compartment long enough you realize they shouldn't be running at all. I'm looking forward to getting mine running real soon. FLAPS= friendly local auto parts STORE. BTW=by the way SWMBO=she who must be obeyed IMO=in my opinion There are LOTS of others. Most by Nate...some never to be deciphered. We all must forgive him his acronyms as his knowledge, and more importantly, the sharing of same with us mere mortals puts him in position as the site's "Grand Poobah". Andy
That engine isn't BBQ'd! Bill, how in the world could you have mistaken this engine for Andy's? You don't see any charred areas, do you?
Wrap this thread back to BBQ OK. I'm tired of you AD guys bragging about the size of your draft tubes. This is the tube I removed from my TF GMC and replaced with a PVC system a few years back. Sauté that!
" My ~ that's a BIG One " ! (remember that ? ) I see it still has the flame arrestor on it too . DAMN ! SWMBO just locked herself out of the house so I gotta go , talk later or to-morrow...