Time vs. Money

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Teacher54, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Teacher54

    Teacher54 Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Kennett USA
    Hello room. It has been awhile since I visited, but I wanted to let all know what has been happening with "Rusty". I started a new business which cuts into my private time with the truck, so I decided if I was going to get this finished before my son turns 16 I better get some help. I sent the truck to a pro who does this for a living. I bought some new items for the truck (you can see it on the site) and shelled out the cash for labor. Great steps have been made and I even heard the motor run before Christmas. Current projected finish time is May 2006..this is still 2 years ahead of time.

    So here is the big question of the day. Which is most important time or Money?
    I really miss the time I spent doing it my self, but also really enjoy seeing the truck take on a new life..Check it out yourself at http://www.clgw.net/~tonyp/The%20Beginning.htm
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Wow ! that's a nice home shop you have there .

    I don't have any money and I have a hard time getting motivated anymore so I cannot answer your question .

    In any case it looks like you'll soon have a very nice truck .

    Good work .

  3. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    I think that whatever you have the most of, the other is more important. If you have money, you never seem to have the time to spend it in a way that keeps you happy. If you have time, you don't have the money to spend to make the time enjoyable.

    Oh, well. Enough of my philosophizing.
  4. Teacher54

    Teacher54 Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Kennett USA
    Well, seems that I have to agree on your ideas. When I was just teaching I had plenty of time, but not enough money to do "Rusty" the way I wanted, now I have very little time. Working for oneself is like being married twice..Going by the shop today to take more pictures..When I have time will post the updated pics.

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