Toasted Exhaust Manifold 292 I-6

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by vwnate1, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Customers are always asking me why they should fix a leaky exhaust gasket as it ' kinda sounds cool ' or other dimwit thing .

    I just took my '76 GMC's manifolds off and it's been many a year since I saw one this badly cracked and warped both , it appears it was driven like this for years and years...

    The guy who sold the truck to me , said " I fixed the exhaust to sound like that " ~ not bloody likely .

    And so , the hunt begins .

    Anyone got one ? .

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    Last edited: Aug 3, 2010
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    I didn't think the detail was good but you can clearly see it is cracked and broken every which way but good .

    Not so visable is the fact it's warped about 1/8" ! :eek:

    No way I can patch this junk :mad: .
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Getting There.....

    Bit by bit ~ I stripped off most of the engine accessories and began scraping & de - greasing , it's almost ready for paint .

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  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Next Fun Bit : WIRING

    Here we have Medusas hair ~ oh wait , it's the remanants of the underhood harness...... ... note the unecessary splices every 6" or so and color changes in the wires .

    I hope to find another one in the junkyard soon and make up a nice new correct one .

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  5. Reinovator

    Reinovator Member

    Feb 6, 2008
    Northern AZ
    been there, done that, got the tattoos, scars and the 't' shirt .
    yep it's worth it.
    Some times finding wrenches isn't so fun.:rolleyes:
    Keep up the good work!!!! :D
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    ' Finding Wrenches '

    Oh ,that part's not too bad , I just look around the driveway , I prolly kicked that one I need under an old engine :p .

    Interestingly , I found a great place to buy NEW exhaust manifolds , old timey rams horn ones up to new import ones , they have the 194/230/250/292 ones too but said the last batch didn't pass the quality control inspection so they sent 'em all back , I found three in a dealer in Fla. and hopefully one is now inbound as you're reading this .

    I'll post up the exhaust manifold places' info from work next week .

    I _know_ it'll be worthwhile , I'm a farm boy who grew up on pre war InLine 6 Bangers unlike most here ~ I don't own a modern car (WARNING : GEEZER RANT MAYBE NEXT :D ) as life is far too short to waste driving a tincan with wheels or another (yawn) SBC powered lump :) .

    Living in L.A. (home to fruits , nuts & flakes) is good too as we have more cars , trucks and Motos than Detroit EVER did ! you'd be flabbergasted at the cherry 1989 C-20 I saw in the yard to-day , it has a new carby (2BBL) on it's 350 , no dents , shiny paint etc. , etc. ~ I have NO IDEA why it was junked but I hope those *perfect* hood hinges are still there when I get there :p if not , no worries , there'll be plenty more , I'll just have to wait .
  7. Pontiac1976

    Pontiac1976 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    Wow oh Wow three years ago I had a 84 with a lot of 6 parts you would have liked I had it all most a year carb nice, fuel pump was pretty new, HEI dist good. It hard to find some one that want the 6 parts. So I left
    them on shame on me.:( I think I have the bracket for the PS/ Alt I was in one of the posts I guess the guy did not like the grease and dirt on it I tryed to get the parts off get pic to him sooner he did want it So I clean it for nothing :confused: . Keep up the good work .
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I-6 PS Bracket

    Well ;

    if you still have it , please send me a picture OFF LINE as the DPM cranked some Metric bolts into mine so it now has stripped out captive nuts , I am making - do with slightly longer bolts and nuts & washers added , yes it's a 100 % repair and will work fine but it bugs me , knowing it's there ...

    Anyways , Sunday I went way out to Bloomington , Ca. and found ,much to my delight , they were having a 50 % off sale at the P-A-P :) plus several (like 20) '73 ~ '87 trucks including on base model 1976 Chevy C-10 so I loaded up on little detail things , grabbed an almost undamaged underhood harness , lots of those little plastic loom holders , some un rotted (if filthy) plastic loom , an original battery hold down clamp and even a nice recently re-chromed front bumper ~ all this for $50 and they GAVE me the two 1977 light duty truck owner's books and gas caps , horn button & lotsa other little bits like that .

    Toobad I foolishly forgot my sun hat and the correct tools as I spotted several clock options and I'd like to add one , being quartz , they'll never stop working nor loose time ;) .

    I'll try to attach some pictures here :

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  9. jamesesmithpx

    jamesesmithpx Member

    Aug 13, 2010
    re exhaust

    i have the same problem and have been investigating parts suppliers for over a month. do not do like i did and trust a junk yard to send you the right part. i have found 1 and 1 only supplier of new cast iron 292 3 bolt exhaust manifolds. the company is called " the company" . and the part no. is 292EM .
    just got off the phone with them and they are on back order. should be in stock soon. price is 160 usd and the phone number is 18006344885. the outfit sels tractor parts and from what i understand they were used on some massey ferguson tractors. let me know how it works out for you
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    New Exhaust Manifolds I-6 230/250/292

    THANX ! .

    I did find one in an East Los junkyard but then I found a new one in Fla. and ordered it in , it's made by ATP and it's also on back order because the supplier send them a whole container full of bad ones , they didn't pass their Q.C. inspection , I was lucky to find this place in Fla. that had a few older , good ones on the shelf .

    It arrived thursday late and I picked it up Friday morning about 04:30 and as soon as the sun came up I opened the box and had a look , it looks good (pix when I get back from vacation) , is made in where else ?) China , has the GM late production re-design so it can be used with either two or three studs ~ this has the added benifit of thicker metal in the outlet flange area ~ I'm hoping it'll work well , maybe I can install in Monday .

    I'l provide the supplier info if you still need one , it's a bit more $pendy though ~ about $225 delivered , it comes as a kit with gaskets and new studs too .

    Or , I could go look at the junkyard one near me for you if you'd like ~ my intake is pretty beat up so I might be buying that anyways , I suggest waiting
    until you know how well this Chinese one works on my truck .

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