Okay, so now that my motor has finally given up, it seems like a good time to update the tranny as well. It's got a 350 with the stock granny 4-speed. Would like to put another granny low tranny in it. I know that most people would want a 700R but I use this thing up in the mountains and the granny comes in handy. What tranny, if any, bolts up without any major mods? I thought I saw a post a while back about putting in the later granny low tranny which was a simple swap. I think it was a SM-435. Anyway, any advice is appreciated. BK
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-04 AT 02:12 AM (CST)]I'm assuming you have a SM-420 in there now. For the use you describe, it may be better than the SM-435, as it actually has a little bit lower gear in the granny department. So you could rebuild that, and save the expense of an upgrade that might actually be a downgrade considering your use. Going the other way, you may want to consider a NV-4500 as well. It has the granny you like, with the advantage of a fifth gear overdrive. I have a SM-435 behind the diesel in my 1 ton. I like it alot. It can handle the torque the diesel throws at it, but that overdrive would be a nice thing to have when I hit the highway. Either the 435 or the 4500 should be a do-able swap without massive mods. I think just driveshaft length and yoke is what your dealing with. AFAIK, Clutch, and bellhousing can remain. HTH.
Thanks for the info. I'll hit the salvage yard and look at 435's and 4500's. My truck is a 4wd and the transfer case linkage bolts onto the tranny so I've got that to contend with as well. BK
Hey 61 Apache what diesel do you have in your truck. The Sm 420 has a lower Granny Gear than the SM435 my Sm420 has a 7.06:1 granny gear. if you like granny grears that is a nice one. my plan is to add a gearvendors unit on behind my tranny and in between the transfer case on my 62 3/4 ton Dually 4x4. so i can have a overdrive. But the price on a gear vendors unit is roughly 2500$. i'm looking at putting a diesel in my pick up but i might keep the Big block in it. if i get a diesel i will be putting the 454 in my 61shortbed step side. Cowboy
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-05 AT 10:32 PM (CST)]Had thought about gear vendors unit as well, but the price is too steep, compared to doing a swap to a NV 4500, that has the fifth overdrive in it. Can get the tranny for around $1000-$1500 range. And not have to lug the extra weight of the gear vendor unit behind an already overweight sm 435. NV 4500, cheaper, AND more efficient. BTW, I have the 6.2L "J" code diesel in my '82 dually.