Transmission for 54 Chevy 3100

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by put-put, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    Would appreciate inputs on rebuilding/buying a rebuilt transmission for 3 sp pu with standard 235.

    thanks! Put-put
  2. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Send me your e.mail adres and i `ll get you a 3/4 speed repair manual.


    Not shore what pu means but if you have a 3 on the colum they are very easy to rebuild at home with tools you can buy at your locall toolsshop. Complete rebuild kits are availeble from our host CPOA or EBAY.
    Its important to make your own system when taking it apart and when resembling. Take some pictures of the working prosess, that helps. Check every inside part for wear or damage like the synchros, main bearings/roller bearings, shafts,forks and gears. Its important to use some high quality grease. The white Lithium grease is perfect , have some on the new synchros , slider assy and the forks. Instruction video is on YOU TUBE ( Davids4speed).

    Good luck Martinius
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2012
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Saginaw Side Loader 3 Speed

    Yep ;

    This is a dead simple tranny to overhaul .

    Flip the 1st. / Reverse slider over to get 50 more years out of it .

    Chevs Of The 40's in Wa. State , has the synchro hubs , be SURE to replace them unless it shifts *perfectly* now . they also have the all important cluster gear shims , the gear must not have too much end ply or it'll whine / howl / skip out of gear .

    The shaft in the clister gear is *very* important , the rollers , scrap 'em all , measure the shaft where they run , if any wear , scrap the shaft .

    Pay close attention to the various roller bearings ! I once got a bagfull of Bower BCA American made bearings that were too small in diameter ~ the counter boob said ' they're fine , in they go ' ~ B.S. ! that would have ruined my fresh tranny in jig time .

    Use grease to hold the rollers in place as you're carefully re assembling the tranny on a bog old light colored towel , NO GAPS !!!! if you loose one bearing don't panic , just go buy a couple more , they're fairly cheap and easy to loose count of .

    Once you do this , you'll feel the power of being able to do it your ownself .

    Prepare for serious smelly filth as you take it apart and clean out the swap goo in the sump of the tranny .

    I use a big metal drain pan to clean the various parts & drain & strain the fluid through cloth as there's always a couple needle bearings or a screw or that damned cluster shaft roll pin trying to escape .

    It NEEDS a 1/2" NPT magnetic drain plug to last a long life..

    If you liked how it drove before , rattles , whines , howls and crunches etc. , etc. , you'll LOVE how it drives once it's all right again .

    Replace the pilot bushing in the crankshaft and prolly the clutch disc too to make it a good job , use two bolts with the heads cut off as guide pins both taking apart and re -installing , this makes it easier and ensures no clutch damage .
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Obtw :

    " pu " means either you need a bath , or , perhaps a Pick Up Truck :D .
  5. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Guide pins question to Nate.

    Hello Nate

    Do you think of the guide pins as a permanent solution , means drilling extra holes in the case frontflange and likewise opposite in the clutchhouse , or do you mean that they should be taken out again and only been used to support while putting both sides together ?


  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Transmission Installation Guide Pins

    Good question ! .

    I just get two extra bolts , about 1" longer , and cut the heads off with a hacksaw then bevel the edge a bit so they slip right into the flange holes on the tranny .

    Install them in the bell housing by finger , do not snug up , just run them in , install the tranny and loosely install one or two tranny bolts , uscrew & remove the guide pins , toss them in the tool box , you'll be THE MAN when you use them on your neighbor's truck next year .

    No need for any drilling or cutting , these used to be sold by GM dealers and really are very important as they prevent the weight of the tranny's input shaft from flexing & damaging the clutch as you are installing it ~ even if you're rich and have a $5,000.00 tranny jack with special Muncie attachments , you need to do this simple thing , it increases clutch life and improves shifting greatly because the clutch's friction disc always gets tweaked even if only a tiny bit unless you use guide pins .

    One more thing you learn after a few years of humping trannies & clutches for a living .

    I hope this helps , once you try it , you'll never do without guide pins again .
  7. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Explenation understood !

    Thanks for your reply Nate. I`ll go for this solution. I am told to use some grease on the input shaft to get it in position smoothly ? Have finally after a year or so got this damn 4 speed in order.Changed some synchros, reverse idler gear and needle bearings. The noice is gone for now after testing it in the workbench. I`ll install it very soon and hope for the best.


    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
  8. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Homemade Soap for the mecanic.

    I`ll use homemade soap or else the wife complains :):) Honnest sweat is hard working sweat they say and some woman just love it " ferromones " ha ... ha . ??

  9. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    With my luck it helps to slot the beveled end of the bolt so I can use a screwdriver to back them out when they hang up a little bit.:eek:
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Input Shaft Lube

    If you must , ensure it's a tiny bit of grease else it'll sling off and get on the clutch & cause clutch chatter..... :eek: .
  11. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Slot is good.

    Bill thank you .

    I`ll do that to. Looking foreward to get the tranny installed . When finally getting the truck on the road this year i `ll gonna make a video and lay it out on YOU TUBE. Patience is worth its value in gold as we say up here.


    Last edited: Mar 11, 2012
  12. Flashlight

    Flashlight Member

    Apr 6, 2009
    Greeneville, Tennessee....Looking out over the Smo
    Wow......I never thought of that!! Imagine if Nate lived next door!!! What trouble would be brewing in those shops/garages. Wives would be definately trying to break that dynamic duo up
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    Did I do bad again ?? :rolleyes: .

    When I was much younger ,I was hated by all wives because whenever I showed up , hubby / boyfreind dissappeared and didn't come back for hours or days , always filthy & greasy but always with the rig purring like a kitten .

    You'd think The Ladies would be happy I wasn't taking them out to get drunk or chase skirts but nOoooooooooo .

    I no longer bother slotting the guide pins as if they're too stiff to unscrew by my old mangled fingers , then I didn't clean everythng sufficiently first .

    My big brother is always on me about too much underhood cleaning (I rarely wash my car or trucks) but he sure was happy when I fixed his old Mercedes
    alternator for only $35 and in 15 minutes the other day....

    A pleasant working situation not only makes the job easier , it reduces mistakes and speeds up time in the long run .

    Plus , you'll often find hidden boo-boos and DPO/DPM blunders under all that grease , road munge and clutch/brake dust .
  14. put-put

    put-put Member

    Sep 27, 2006
    Northwest Florida
    This has become the best thread on the forum!!! Lots of good stuff in there. Even a few old tricks that i must admit i had forgotten, and a few new ones too!

    thanks gentlemen!

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