Hi. 3845122 is the casting number of the transmission case for the 1955-1957 3 speed transmission for passenger cars and Corvettes. You need to look for some other numbers. According to the Chevrolet Pickup Red Book, for 1955 truck transmissions, serial numbers should begin with the following: M = 3 speed Muncie S = 3 speed Saginaw W = 3 speed HD Warner Gear T = 4 spe3d Toledo C = Powerglide Cleveland Winona
Thats what is causing the confusion..No manufacture letters are on this trans other than GM and the numbers listed.
I moved the shift ears and found the serial number on the upper right corner of the transmission when reading the casing number. I'm not good at this attachment stuff, so if you'll email me I'll send a picture of where I found serial numbers on all three of my transmissions. WLa4205955@aol.com