today was the first day for work with my truck picked up wood for my fireplace and brought at home. Nice ride and it's so practical to have fun and do work.
Feedback Volker Nice ride you have got your selv there.Hope that it brings you to a lot of places around in Germany . I am very qurious about how the 235 engine looks in your trucks engine compartment.Some more pics to show us would have been great. Did you deside how to solve the transmission swap ? By the way ,what kind a engine oil did you dicided to go for is it mineral, halv synth. or fully synth.? Martinius.
! Martinus ! Please stop posting about Mineral Oil ! you'd not put sand in the engine would you ?! . Some folks here might get the bad idea to actually try it .
Nate, my understanding is mineral oil is the term they ( Europeans) use for what we would call conventional oil
Now there's a happy truck---being used for what it was built for. I like the "Chevrolet" script on the tailgate instead of the block letters. Does the lettering color match the molding stripe on the cab?
I get looks all the time when loading mine. Just a few weeks ago I hauled a yard of pine bark for the flower beds, the mulch guy didn't think I was serious.
Work truck Last weekend I hauled a lawn tractor home from Sears in the '48. (The load was too tall to fit in my Silverado with the canopy.) The springs dropped about 2 inches, but otherwise it was no problem. Sorry, no photo.
Used my '49 1 ton platform to haul in another load of sheetmetal today... Then loaded my buddies truck with cabs & sheetmetal.... bound for the upcoming Carlisle swapmeet in Pa.
Well.... I grew up just "over the hill" from you in the Chatsworth/SantaSusana Pass area ..... {Still own a piece of dirt there near Box Canyon} but we high-tailed it outta the L.A. area years ago for some serene High Dry desert landscape far far away from the city..... Lets just say we are in the "4 corners desert area" which is ... Southeastern Arizona Southwestern New Mexico Way West Texas & our hide out in Panamint Cal. in Death Valley
Benson to Deming then on into Fabens and Sierra Blanca. That is a wide area of travel. Just was wondering if you were between Tucson and Ca. Border, if so I would have checked out some parts needed.
Yes..... I learned what I know at Spahns ranch...... so.... Old trucks it is. We escaped in the truck & we are still a bunch of nomadic hippies that travel throughout the SouthWestern deserts.
Interesting, the fountain and the canyon has changed million dollar shacks on postage stamp lots, people looking across the canyon spying on each others lot storage.
Those where the days ... mineral that !! It written on the container SAE 10 W -30,SAE 10 W- 40,SAE 15W-40,SAE 20 W-50. Statoil,Shell,Hydro-Texaco,BP sells the oil.This oil is very populair amongs classic car owners in Europe , not in the US ? The oil is not mixed with to much additives and cleaners.Viscosety is thicker then half and fully synt. It does`nt last so long .....wel you know its the good old stuff we have been using for ages. Reminds a bit of moonshine sirup (melasse)Its brownisch in color and it allmost taste like shit. Wonder if the 6 cyl. would run on that liquid when using a fine carbon particle filter ? Remember the days they talked of adding melasse sirup in the petrol of a car if you did`nt liked a person.! Not a very nice thing to do but radical damage whas the outcome. I pied in a car tank once because a senior militairy officer withdrawded the compagny its permit leaves. Instead we had to play in the snow 48 hours moore in min. 23 Celsius below zero.The reason whas to learn how we should keep away the russians as i surved up north towards the swedisch border.Those where the days...........
Re:Mineral Oil Here in the states we use mineral oil in heavy truck transmissions,usually when a power takeoff is added. Don't know the details of why,I learned about this years ago when I worked for a truck builder in Columbus Ohio.