Does anyone else watch this? It is on SPIKE this Saturday and sunday they are showing a four link rear set up for a 49 3100 series they are doing a project on. Bill
I do every so often. I will have to set my dvr to record it. I saw they were working on a 49 earlier in the year, but haven't seen it for a while. Is this show on this sat/sun? I will have to check it out. Thanks for the tip!!!
I am so ready for them to start the project again. They had 2 shows and re-ran them but have been re-running other old projects so I quit watching the show. Thanks for the heads up. I will start to keep an eye on them again.
spike tv I saw the episodes of the 49 chevy truck. Kind of disappointing. For one it took months to see all the episodes they left alot of stuff out. They said they were going to put the 235 engine back in with a 350 transmission automatic, they upgraded the front end to coil springs, they did a 3 link with a Ford rear end they said to handle the torque of the 235 which I think is a little much for a 235 engine. They never completed the build. They kind of left a lot of stuff hanging, how the brake system hooked up, how the transmission mounted up. I think they were getting that truck set up for a v-8. That was it, they went to other rerun builds. Just my 2 cents
Spike TV I think you have to look at teh Spike TV schedule but I went to the power block tv web site and it said it was goign to air teh next segment this weekend should be Sat and Sunday at 12 EST There is more info on it at teh Power block tv website they dont run each project in sequence looks like they have 4 projects goign and visit a different one each week mostlikely to keep you watching Bill
Another stupid re-run! They have shown the same 2 episodes at least 3 different weekends. They are losing my interest real quick. Either film episode 3 or just drop the whole show.
49 truck my wife found the episodes for me online google clasSix than the part you want hope this helps.
Understood but the first episode was probably almost a year ago. You just expect that they would start a project and follow it through in sequence rather than stretching the teaser episodes over 2 seaons. Other projects have flowed better. Point is, that when they are that bad at re-runs, you turn the dial until you find something else to watch in that timeslot. Then you end up missing the meat of the project because they finished it after they pushed you to follow something else.
I saw that 235/216 problem as well. I went online and watched the 1st episode. Now im a GMC guy so forgive me on this one, but how did they replace the water pump. if you have a 235 replaced instead of a 216 don't you have to get the water pump with the shorter shaft???? its funny that they kept calling it a 216 even after they replaced the water pump. I thought they would have found it out when it hit the radiator!
Wow mel Well mel sorry i did not get word for word on the 49 on spike tv as you did but you got the we will ask you next time instead of wasting a post.
I like the build up, the thing that gets me is the fact it's not a 49. The vin might say it is but everything else on the truck says it's not. There's no vent in front of the drivers door(1950 and earlier), the shocks are tube style(1950 and later) knee action shocks are 1949 and earlier. Doors have wing windows and turndown outside handles, Having both of those are 1951 Doors. the brakes are not huck style(50 and earlier) the brakes are 51 and up. My bet is that it's really a 51 that someone put a 49 vin tag on.