I have a 1951 1/2 ton with the normal chrome turn signal assy. ( I don't know if it is stock or original) It has a light in the center that I assume is suppose to come on when you select a left or right turn or with the selection of emergency flashers. ( not sure which) Mine doesn't and I don't have a wiring print on it. The bulb is good so I need to troubleshoot else where. If any body has any ideas or direction it would be appreciated. The turn signals work as well as the flashers. Many thanks and happy holidays. Dave
Indicator Lamp It's been a long time but IIRC , the problem is the steering mast jacket isn't grounded so you'll have to run one additional ground wire to the chrome case .
Find a model on the unit. Do a search for it and wiring diagrams. I had a signal stat 900, found the diagram, fixed what ailed it.
Those lights always just came on when the signal was in use but according to Nate you can use a 3 prong flasher and make the thing BLINK for either direction. Of course you need to isolate the wire to the bulb and run it to the flasher. A flashing light would draw attention to the turn signal being on over one that just glows.
Update Found a shorted wire in the steering column that in turn took out the flasher relay. All functional now. thanks all for the imput. Dave
Does anyone make the unit that has the lighted knob at the end of the shaft? I thought I saw one years ago and cannot remember where TIA