I'm restoring, and repainting my "all white" 64 Chevy pickup, in a two tone scheme. Light green body, white top. I just painted the inside of the cab today, in a sand / beige color, close to original. My question is, what color is the inside of the door jambs (and rocker) supposed to be on two tone Chevys? Do I paint the top half of the jambs "white" to match the cab top, and the bottom half light green? Thanks, Tom
Let's see if this will work. With me and computers it's always a guess. The photo was taken to show the factory a/c dash setup but it also shows the factory two tone break point. Hope it helps. http://www.msnusers.com/Evanscars On page one click on "Pictures", on page two click on "show photos", on page three double click on "Gerald's 024" Good luck