Hello men need some help ifinish my 1956 truck long bed and I need tyres It is impossible find in FRANCE yes i am french I have whells 17.5 with 6 lugs and tyre 8 by17.5 where i can find in USA thanks
Salut alain, Essaye "classic ou vintage tyres" ,ou bien un equivalent europ?en avec des flancs blancs rapport?s ,de chez moon france. cordialement gerard
Welcome aboard to both of you, enjoy your ride while here. Gerald, please translate to English please. Thank You Charles
I said, trying "classic or vintage tyres" or european equivalent with whitewall reports from moon France! gerard
Bonjour Alain I normally spend my time on the 60-66 forum, having a '65 C15 stepside, however i saw your post and thought this may help. There is a company in the UK, North Hants Tyres who ship worldwide. They should be able to supply the tyres you require. http://www.northhantstyres.com Bonne chance Au revoir