So ; There I was minding my own business when someone comes up to me and says ' hey Nate ~ go save this 1940 Chevy pickup , it's scruffy but complete having been driven to where it still sits 25 years later.........' Oh no .
One of the few vehicles that are in the same league as the 37-38 Stude Coupe Express, IMHO. Oh, boy,...I'm probably gonna catch he$% sayin' that on a GM forum... Get on it, Nate!!!
My eyes ! GAH ! I didn't have my sunglasses on when that picture opened ~ you've gotta warn me before posting pix like that ! . I can only imagine what the local junkyard would think iffin' I rolled up in a rig like that ! they'd prolly call the Po-lice .
I humbly beg your forgiveness. But, once I get the 430 hp stroker back in the Studester, I might have to come down and see you and we'll talk about it more... At least you can take comfort in the GM powerplant in it...
Glad to hear it has a Chevy engine! I'd love to stand around and ogle that powerplant while sipping a cold one