Does any body have a pic of what the under bed whole spare tire rack looks like and how it works. I think i have part of it but cant quite figure out what iam missing. Thanks for any Info or pics
Ron, I just found the old thread that Larry was talking about and resurrected it. Hopes it helps. Ken
Sorry ! I have those saved in a larger format that won't upload ~ it says " file not valid " I need one of these for my '49 3100 if anyone has one , rusty & ugly is O.K. ! .
swing down I need the swing down piece and the bracket and bolt I have the lock, Need to get it rekeyed if possible. Nate let me know if you find an extra thanks By the way how are you feeling after the accident are you back at work.
Swing Down Underbed Tire Carrier Ron ; You're in lock as the swing down typ was used well into the 1960's and they're everywhere , just go look in the P-A-P yards out in Lancaster... (IIRC you're out that way ?) . I know guys who've used brand 'F' swing down parts and no one ever noticed... I need the sliding typ . Me , I'm chugging along day by day , I wonder if I'll ever be whole again or ride a moto . life will suck if I cannotride or work with my hands I sleep more now , maybe 5 hours at a time but the constant pain is a bugger as it makes me grumpy . I'm glad to be alive tho' It's chilly out here in Las Vegas , windy too ~ in the mid 30's and a constant 35 MPH wind . folks here are bundled up like it's Wisconsin , makes me giggle and SWMBO keeps hassling meto wear a jacket , I don't wanna . It's nice & dry , so far nothing with a 235 in it , usually I see a few .
I meant the one on the right half ton the one on the right that says 1\2 ton thats the one iam looking for.
Right , that's the sliding typ , I'm still looking.... They're out there but most folks just think it's rusty , worthless junk.......
Have part Nate i have the part thats stationary or welded to the frame but the rest is what i need. thanks
You , Me , & the baby makes three...... Everyone needs this thing . If I find two , you'll get one . If you find two , build up a really nice one and let me have the rest , as I said before : it's for my work truck so I'll de-rust and weld up a nasty one . Do you understand how pooly designed this thing is ? it slops the spare tire down into the mud when you're changing a flat on the side of that farm to market road in 1953....... this is why they're hard to find ~ most farmers tossed it as hard and far as they could , the very first time they used it...