I was checking on another 235 that a local engine shop said they had sitting on a shelf. Customer left it long ago after they rebuilt it and never came back. He told me the numbers were: 505101. It also had H207 and 3210. It is a totally rebuilt long block. Sounds a little pricey to me: $1500. Any takers on the numbers? I checked the Inliners site, and those don't seem to be the right numbers. The guy said he was 100 percent that it was a 235. Brian
Might not be depending on the condition of your old engine and what all they did to it , I assume $1,500.00 is out the door , no core charge .
No but then , I don't follow the serial numbers thing very much , there's way too many variants , Military #'s are all seperate , Ag pumps , APU's and so on , these engines were made by the millions and were continued to be prodeced years after it was dropped from vehicles use , for replacements etc. . It's a late production engine and that's a good thing . Sorry for the late reply , the 'puter's been going kinda crazy since last night .
Is the $1500 before horse trading? If they have had it sitting for years they will probably entertain an offer of say $1200? Maybe even start less? Gater