Does anyone sell parts for a vacuum wiper motor? The one I have works as long as the wipers are not attached. Kind of like the roof that only leaks when it rains. I know that the best thing to do would be to put an electric motor in there and be done with it. After all the truck is now 12 volt, and it has seat belts. These are all good ideas, even though they are not original to the truck. I have had the motor apart, and have cleaned and lubricated it. I put hose clamps on the vacuum line. I am at a loss as to what to do next. Maybe a new flapper would work. Like I said before, with out any load it works really well.
Uh OH, you've gone and dun it now I don't even want to get tied up in the middle of this one, I did it once and I was properly straightened out. This post will awaken up some deep rooted issues from the past. Now I'm not going to mention any names here but I remember in my post something along the lines of "you ain't buildin no log truck here" and the such So Lapace, all I can tell you is "good luck" and BTW, I got a great vacume wiper motor hanging above my work bench, rebuilt and all, works GREAT under a load, but far be it from me to put it in the Boops truck To see the post for yourself, go here OH, and BTW, I now have 2 speed electric wipers on the Boops truck TB'sD
Old stock rebuild kits used to be available, I think Obsolete chevrolet had them. If I was spending your money I'd go electric Chris
Vacuum Wipers LOL ! that was a fun thread . As I mentioned , adding a vacuum cannister and a check valve -or- a dual action fuel pump makes vacuum wipers work as well as electric plus they're dead silent and infinately variable in speed..... Ficken Wiper Service in New York is the' Go To ' place as he bought up all the original Trico parts when they closed up shop .
Nate is absolutely right about Ficken. I'm sure he'd rather you send it in for him to rework, but you might get info and parts from him. That was pretty much a redundant statement - "Nate" and "absolutely right"
It would seem that I have struck a nerve with the Boopster. Let me offer my apologies, or at least a thousand pardons. I suppose if I had a penny for every time I said something that got some one going I would have enough money for azcarman411 to spend for me. Looks like I should be able to get it to work with you fellows help. Too bad I already put a new fuel pump on. The next question will have to do with the speedometer. Last night I took it out for a little undercover of darkness (it has headlights now) test run. Everything is going find till I look at the speedo and I am doing 80 then 40 then 80 again then get the picture. LOL Looks like get one thing fixed two more break.
Ficken Check it out!!! I just went to Ficken's website. They are less than 15 minutes from me. I'm taking my wiper motor out tonight!!!! Andy
vacuum pumps Over here in the UK diesel cars often come with a vacuum pump on the back of an alternator ( diesels engines have no vacuum) I know Diesels are rare in the US but its an alternative.The plus side is it will be a 100amp or more charge rate Gerald
Ken 50 Pick up has good's here I sent in my vacuum wiper motor fot re-building. Came back working as new.
You're giving me the "Big Head" I think from now on, everything i post will start off with "Ken 50 Pick up has good advice" Glad it worked out for you. When I get around to cleaning mine up, if I can't get it to work, i'll send mine there! Yeah, Boop's Dad, i'm going vacuum! BUT, my daughter won't be driving it in East Texas in a "frog strangling" rainstorm. As I said before, i love vacuum wipers, but i'm also into pain!
Vacume Motor for sale Now that I have a 2 speed electric motor and now everyone loves the things and wants them in their truck.... I have a reworked (by myself) vacume motor that is strong and works perfect... It will go for the nominal fee of 1000.00. First come first serve I only have one, and I know EVERYBODY wants one, It wasn't Ok for the Boop to have one in her truck Now I've figured it out, granted I'm a little slow but I got it. You all wanted me to buy electric because you wanted a good working motor. Well here it is, who's gona be the lucky one to get it? Tell ya what I'll do since im so kind hearted, I'll pay the shipping Do I have a taker? Going once, twice _____________ TB'sD
Hey TB'sD, If you really want to pass along that vacuum wiper motor I would certainly be interested. What do you really want for it? Andy
Ha you guy's must think us East coast boy's are stupid or something. What's up Boopster bills starting to come in on the truck rebuild ? Hope you get what you ask. Maybe Ken will step in and as normal save the day for ya ? Good Luck
Just about when you have it figured out that you know everything there is to know about these trucks,something jumps up and bites you in the butt and brings you back down to reality.That's what in my opinion makes this a fun hobby.
Ken's 50 pu has good advice......... But Kevin's 48????????? I'm not so sure. Boop I don't think that you made the wrong decision at all. To me I would only go electric. But what do I know I'm just a street rodding young pup right? I like electric things so much I brought up the electric steering pump. Didn't go over too well here though. Way to much money!!! Man I'm jealous of ya Ken, You get to see the Boop's ride in person. WOW that's a great looking truck. You guys better take lots of pics of that thing. Oh yeah I just bought me a new toy this week. I bought me a plasma cutter. So when you come into town in a couple months I'll let ya try it out.
Plasma Cutter I got one of those, Ken will have to try mine out, I'm not worried about the truck gettin hurt or burnt, Now Ken's hand, that's a different thing all together Got to keep the cutter away from steak and skillets TB'sD
Maybe you can give me some pointers. I've never used one in my life. Just heard wonderful things about them and it was a steal. What do I set my air pressure to? Also will a 60 gallon tank with a 7.5 hp motor air compressor run it without problems? It looks pretty straight forward and I know I need to practice on some scrap before I go cutting my frame in half.
Tips I don't really have any great advise on how to use a plasma cutter, mine just cuts as smoot as butter, little or no slag. I cut a little on something to get it set for the thickness and cut away. I don't even use my cutting torch anymore unless I don't care how it looks and need a fast cut. I used my plasma cutter to cut what was left of the floor out of the Boops truck. One of the nice things about it was that it didn't cut through anything below the metal I was cutting as long as there was a small air gap. Others might have some good tips, all I know is, this thing is better than an indoor outhouse TB'sD