the lock nuts that lock the adjusting screws what size are the lock nuts 19/32 did not sell a socket at napa. is there a substute.and whats the torque spec on them.thanks
My Dad had two 19/32" box end wrenches. I always wondered what they were for. They are in my tool box now.
Valve Adjust Tools You don't use a socket ~ you use a cranked (means : offset) box end spanner . They just need slightly more than snugging or you'll damage the threads , making the next adjustment harder .
Is there an old time mechanic or shop in your area? They made a thin box end wrench with a spring loaded screwdriver mounted above the box end opening that was used for setting the valves with the engine running. OTC or Snap On may still offer one. If the engine is in good shape it will idle down to near 400 rpm or so and to me it's not hard to use a wrench and screwdriver. On my 37 Buick I still use a P&G Valve Gapper which is now extinct but gaps the valve exactly regardless of wear in the rocker shaft, guide, stem, or eye brows in the rocker. Takes a while to set up but really makes a difference.
Darn, didn't confront your wrench question. A 15mm metric wrench is about 0.004" smaller than a 19/32 (0.590 vs 0.594) so it would probably work as is but if not clamp it in a vise and shave a few thousandths bigger with a good file. Super easy to find a 15mm wrench.