Hey All You So. Cal Guys check this show and swap meet out nice and close to me for a change. With the 405 freeway closed I hope it will be possible to make it i think i will try to go mabee se some of you there. http://www.socalcarculture.com/Images/071711AllGMShow.pdf
Sounds Good!!!! I think I will try to make it down there myself. Hopefully with the freeway closure it won't be too crazy.
Aw , NUTS ! I don't think I'll be able to make this . Y'all have a good time and take lotsa pictures , I'm busy doing house works and have a Metropolian Nash neet in the afternoon this Sunday . Dangit .
Some Chevys, For some reason some of the photos are not in the folder I loaded them into so these are all that are left.
charles what a great guy and his wife and puppy it was a great day i have pics but charles just about coverd everything i baught a heater switch a shirt and a poster but lot of nice cars and some nice swap stuff.
Charles, I hereby nominate you as the official photographer of our group! All in favor, say yeah! Thanks so much for the pics! Takes me back a few years! Ken
Yes, I had fun, and fun has nothing to do with paying the photo guy. Well the pay is really not an issue if I can take some really good photos of show winning G's.
Nice pix ! What was the basis of this show ? I thought you'd said it was a truck show . Too bad I missed it , I pretty much stayed home & snoozed the day away . My 76 Jimmy is going bye-bye this Saturday , if anyone wants the long deal on it , now is the time .