vent window repair

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by richie d, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. richie d

    richie d Member

    May 15, 2005
    The vent window handle on my drivers side door was siezed up bad, I soaked it with wd 40 and pb blaster all the while trying to work it back and forth. No luck, the stud came out of the frame. The roll pin was out and I am continuing to soak the handle and stud but still cannot budge it loose. Has any one had this problem? can I buy A new stud? does it weld in? I am at a loss.
  2. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Window Lift Troubles

    Firstly you need to let us know if this AD had vent wings or not as the lift is different and if the splined stud the crank handle attaches to has come out , it's junk , the good news is : whole doors with good lift mechanism are really cheap .

    Save the used latch too as sooner or later you'll be needing it .

    Usually the lift arm rusts solid in the sash's track and that's why the stud won't turn.......

    By the time you're soaking it in PB Blaster (or better yet " KROIL ") it's usually pretty beat but I have a couple used ones for pre - '51 trucks you can have until you find a cherry one .
  3. azcarman411

    azcarman411 Member

    Apr 10, 2006
    Rimrock, Az
    Vent handle

    Maybe you can take a cold chisel and split the old handle off, new ones are cheap. You will have to weld the stud back on. Chris
  4. richie d

    richie d Member

    May 15, 2005
    I ended up drilling an 1/8" hole in the handle and knocking the stud out with a punch. I will have to try to weld it back in and just get new handles or for time being just use the one with the hole in it.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    D'oh !

    Sorry Richie ;

    I jusr re-read my response and see I had rectal cranial inversion going on there... :rolleyes:

    In any case , as long as the stud is O.K. you can replace the latch piece , remember the doors and internal parts are the same as Big 'Bolts and NO ONE ever bids on good rust free BIG 'BOLT doors , esp. if they have holes from old West Coaster Mirrors..
  6. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    I think he must have a 52 or newer since it is the vent window handle that is the problem. The stud can be welded back but the vent frame assemblies are easy to find, remember there is a right and left. If the shaft (stud) is still inside handle and you have a torch heat the hell out of it or even melt it, the pot metal will melt long before the heat is enough to hurt the steel shaft. If no torch grind it thin and split it. When ordering a new handle be sure to get a new tension washer that goes with it and dob a little anti sieze in the new handle.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Vent Wings AKA ' No Draft Ventilators "

    Are a wonderous thing indeed ~ they allow fresh air circulation without if blowing in your face (give it time young 'uns , you'll see when you're 50) and also the allow defrosting of thw windshield faster and better regadless of heater fittment or not .

    I spent some time looking for decent 1951 doors as that's the one year GM made AD's with both vent wings and pull down door handles , in time I decided to simply learn to live with the $600.00 paintjob on there now as my doors close and open *perfectly* , hard to find on AD series trucks .

    I am flabbergasted to see young people remove then in search of some oddball visual .

    Form follows function , not the other way 'round .

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