The week-end of August 31 will be the Ventura Nationals formerly the Primer Nationals. I'm sending in my reg. forms tomorrow and will start getting the truck ready for that show . They ask for a side shot photo of the ride, does not talk about the billet issues as it use to, that ws the reason I bought the white rims way back when.
Ventura Nationals. Looks like this is one Nice event Charles. Are you planning on driving all the way Down With the truck ? Hope you get Your selv a nice ride driving over there and beautifull weather. Martinius.
Hot Rod Show That looks interesting ~ If you see a '49 Chevy El Camino ' Rusto - Rod ' there , please take pix as I know they guy who built it . Sadly , that's the Labor Day weekend and I'll be off in Central Cali. running my little Nash Metropolitan as fast as it'll go and hoping I don't break off any more wheels .
It has been a good show the years I went with the truck. this time I will have my camera ready and get more photos.
So Charles, your truck is one that the photo you send them has to be a foldout with that l-o-n-g bed of yours? Hopefully the weather will be nice, and thanks in advance for the photos you'll take!
Seems that way, but I send them the entry form with a shot of the truck in black and white copied on the back of the entry form and then a copy in color of the same shot and another of the other side showing the 2 spares.
Get back from the Ventura Nations formerly known as the Primer Nations and most of the people there still called it that about 5:30 yesterday evening miss not going there today, they have a road run they are doing it is just not my thing at the moment. Uploaded photos on photo bucket did not get to talk to many of the owners to busy with mine got to walk around three times to get photos during the day. Ran my camera battery down and used The other half's camera for a few other cars and trucks. by the time I was able to get out and take photos around 3 a lot of people had moved on who were parked on the open pavement. Some really nice stuff and a hole lot of people there. Below is the bucket link, enjoy. and things/Primer Nationals?sort=2&page=1 Charles
Fantastic arrangement! The page number 4 shows an litle 3 Wheeler bike with engine and seat , its collor is gold with some nice painted details . I Wonder what kinda vehicle that is Charles ? Martinius.
The engine would be a child if he would let one touch it? Are you referring to what looks like a tire holder if it were on the back of a car (caddie or linclon )? To me it is justa-gizmo on a great looking Child's trike.
Velociped Yeah these are the once i am reffering to. Did he constructed these bycicles him self and are they fore sale maybe? Smaller kids would love them with all these Nice details on them. Thanks for sharing your photos Martinius.
Great photos! Nice GMC. Thought it was Wolf's for a second. Nice to see yours made it in there again!
Martinius, As a general rule I do not talk to many owners about their stuff, that person has been at the show for years. The items are just the stuff which has been sold here over the last 80 or so years here, I do not know what era they were made, he most likely has over 7k in that trike alone, not sure if many parents could afford it.
There were others there that looked like Wolf's truck somewhat. His has the front bumper on and has the I6 in it that one has a V8.