Walk away!!

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by GLRnTX, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. GLRnTX

    GLRnTX Member

    Jun 6, 2008
    Helotes, TX
    Early in December I was having trouble hanging both doors on my '51. It seemed no matter how I adjusted them, I could not get them to close properly. After many colorful expletives, I decided the best course of action was to walk away from the truck for a while. Not just the doors, but the whole truck.

    Early this week, I decided it was time to get back to work on the truck. After looking at all of the entries on this site about this subject (most involving 2x4s), I decided to try a 2lb. sledge and a block of wood. Since the doors were hanging low, I hit the hinge arms from underneath protecting them with a block of wood.

    In 15 minutes I had both doors closing straight and easy. I guess it just shows you need to walk away sometimes, clear your mind and get a new perspective on the problem. Either that or finesse is never as effective as a BFH?:D

  2. BIG CHEVY 3600

    BIG CHEVY 3600 Member

    Jan 17, 2008
    As a teen (19) I worked as a new car get ready guy at the local F&%$ dealer. There were two of us and my partner was a few years older than I and had more experience in what we were doing. When things weren't working out in what he was working on he would stop and light a cigarette and relax for a few minutes. Then he would pick up his ballpein hammer and proceed to beat on the problem until he got it to work.
  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    I've been preaching that for years!

    Some times you've just got to walk away! You are the master of your truck, not vice-versa. It will all come together if you just remember that it is a passion, but not burden! I've pulled up a lawn chair before to a part of my truck, popped the top on a cold one, lit a cigarette, cussed a blue-streak, gone to bed and gone out the next day and figured it out! There have been many a time that I've doubted my abilities, wondered why I even started the project, logged on to this website and got encouraging words, and thought: "Dang these guys are good, now I know how to do this!"

    Hang tuff, we're here to lend support!!;)
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    As I Often Say :

    There is no problem so difficult that it canot be overcome by the generous application of brute force and ignorance..... :D

    Y'aughta see the faces of the suits from City Hall when they ask me to speak to the new hires and I lay that one on 'em :rolleyes:

    Mondo Force is a good tool but must be judiciously applied ! .
  5. brit 50

    brit 50 Member

    Dec 6, 2005
    Essex England, the motherland
    old saying

    There's an old sayin, 'When in doubt....give it a clout!'
  6. gypsy truck

    gypsy truck Member

    Oct 2, 2007
    Florida / Illinois
    Sleep on it & Sounding boards

    That old saying - just sleep on it - the subconscious mind can figure out a lot of problems.

    Also, in my previous life as a computer programmer, so many times I would be faced with a challenge that i could not figure out the solution and i would go over and over to myself in my head and as soon as I went over to a collegue and just began explaining the problem to them outloud, it would hit me. Sometimes it helps to just start explaining something to someone OUTLOUD and it comes to you. It must make your brain think about it slightly differently when you have to formalize words and complete sentences to communicate to another person.

    writting about them here can probably help as well. Wonder how many times someone has started a post about a question only to figure it out on their own before they finished and hit SUBMIT?

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