Hey i'm thinking abotu buying a lincoln mig welder that uses the standard 110 outlet and the modle is mig pak 10. i was wondering if 500$ is a good price? it is brand new. Comes with mask gauge for the gas bottle and wire. I do know how to weld. i learned to weld in school. i've used a welder like this and it welds pretty good for sheet metal which is what i'll be doing mostly with this. we have a arch welder for heavier metal. Cowboy
Cowboy, I recently bought a Lincoln welder similar to what you are talking about and it works great. It runs both flux and non-shielded wire and works perfect. Mine is a 3200 HD and I paid around $430 for it. Included were a handheld mask that made it's way to the trash can, a 2 lb spool of flux wire, a 2 lb spool of MIG wire, regulator, and cart. It sounds like a pretty good deal but shop around a lot before you buy one.
what wire are you using? are you using the flux or the non-sheilded wire? My Neighbor has the flux and i didn't like the way it welded. anyways. The welder i am thinking about getting doesn't come with a cart but i could build one. with the welder i'm getting. Thanks cowboy
I tried the flux but it leaves slag behind like a stick welder. I prefer to use the non-shielded or TIG it.
RE: welders?Headers? Thanks for the help. I got my engine put in the truck today so i just need to figure out if i got the money to soda blast the cab. How many of you out there have put a 454 in to a 60-66 chevy 4x4 and put headers on it? casue the headers i have old and used and now no good casue of the wreck i was in on july 3rd but everyone is ok my 69 chevy is totaled. Anyways back to what i was talkign abotu what brand of headers did you use? did they exit inside the frame or outside? thanks cowboy