Rolled up to the supermarket this morning in my 54, shut down the engine and tried to shift the three on the tree into first, but-oh no! The shifter would not move no matter how hard I tried; not to reverse, first, second or third! After some anxious moments trying to figure out how I was going to get me and the truck home I decided to go in the store and buy what I needed. It was then that it hit me - I just thought WWND? Calmed by this spiritual awakening I went back out, popped the hood, jiggled the shifter rods a bit, got back in started up and drove home. Thanks Nate!
You're welcome ! . Now , please go look up my old posts on " Posative Shifting " or perhaps I used " Square Shifting " as that's what the Yankee farmers who taught me called it in days past . It's odd that few know how to do it anymore , when I were a laddie , it was part and parcel of learning to drive as most learned on some old beater with ' Three On The Tree ' that had 350,000 miles on it and would lock up the shifter the instant you forgot to Square Shift it (or had a new shirt on or the License examiner in the car , or the first date with that hot girl etc. , etc.) . You can take the shift box apart and clean and adjust it to lessen the chances of it locking up , sometime you need to make shims or weld up the worn part & file it to suit . Replacing the shift rod grommets and shimming the ends up and then adjusting it all ' Just So ' helps a goodly deal too , it's all in the archives , some folks here know how to find any old post .
WWND-Best acronym so far! Here's the link to Nate's write-up on square shifting!
There ya go ! . Oddly enough , in my Russian Moto Club we say " WWID ? " = What Would Ivan Do ? , the same sort of pragmatic approach to road side troubles . Have fun all , it'salready hot here so I'm off to ride my Moto in search of cool breezes .