My 49 has a set of mixed wheels. I found 4 new steel wheels in primer. What color were the originals? My truck is dark green. Thanks a bunch. Jim
Jim, your wheels can be any color you want them to be, after all you're paying the bills! Standard wheel color was black. However, Chevy did offer different RPO's that offered you wheels painted the same color as the body.
What Ken Said : Unless you're building a non driving museum piece , they should be the specific color that _you_ think looks good with the green paint . Me , I have a white '49 with 4" wide whitewall tires so it simply HAD to have ruby red wheels with '41 ~ '47 passenger car hubcaps.....
LWJ, you are da man! I was talking to my paint guy last night and he asked about how I wanted my wheels striped. It's tough sometimes to try to explain stuff over the phone. But now, thanks to your picture, he see exactly what I was trying to tell him. Would you be so kind as to take a couple of measurements for me? I need the distance in between the 2 inner most stripes. Looks to be about 1/8th inch, but I'd love to know the exact measurement. And also, the distance from the edge of the hubcap to the first stripe. Thanks again for the picture!
Wheel pinstripe details Here's a close up shot. Send me a PM if you can't see enough dtail on the attachment, and I will forward the 2m file.
Wheel question Hey shooter, What diameter are your wheels? I have a '49 with 16" wheels, but they are not the straightest. I was wondering if yours are new and if so, they should be as straight as an arrow. If you purchased them used or refinished, I would recommend having them checked by your local trustworthy tire shop for trueness. I received a quote of $750. to straighten mine. Larry
Here are the wheels I found for the 53....this is an origional stripe job.
Mine has miss matched wheels, 15". I have two that are useable, three no good. I found some listed but had to send them back, the offset was wrong. Soooo I'm still looking for at least two 15s or four 16s. Guess I'll go junkyarding when the weather warms up. Jim