windshield gasket

Discussion in '1960-1966' started by mearl, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. mearl

    mearl Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I've tried 2 windshield gaskets, the first one was from LMC and it was bigger than the windshield. When I try to put it on, it falls off before I get to the other side. I ordered one from Chevy Duty and the tech told me it was molded and would fit. when I got it, it was in the same wrapper, from the same plant in Thailand,; it didn't fit any better. I know they used to fit, because I restored a 65 C-80 15 years ago and didn't have problems. Does anybody make one that still fits?
  2. Pontiac1976

    Pontiac1976 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    I just wounder is your windshield gaskets & glass just pop in to the cab channel ?
    Like alot of the 73-87 standered windshield & back glass. Does they just pop in. If it is did you try to put the rubber seal on first, then put the windshield on the gasket start with the center bottom get the glass sit there, slide the side in work the glass in the the slot with wood stirsticks.
    or the old rope trick I all so find a little spray off water helps move it seal it after it dryes. Now if it still move a lot or pop out after your finnished really really easy then the gasket is not right or some one has moded the windshield glass. do you have pic's of the parts . it helps to have some help hold one side . I hope this helps or at least see how your should look should fit ( work )
  3. mearl

    mearl Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I'm still working on the windshield, this morning we tried putting it on the cab first. It doesn't have corners, so as soon as I get to a corner, it falls off. We tried glueing it to the windshield but the corners still pull off. I've looked at every website that shows how to do it and they all show pictures of a gasket that fits the windshield. I did find a place that says they have one that is made to OEM specs, but I can't find it again to call them.
  4. dvalentine

    dvalentine Charter Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    If that gasket isn't from Steel Rubber products, and is from some off-shore supplier, you will probably not be too successful getting it to work. Especially if you have not done a windshield like these before. They are not easy to get in. I will leave a few things to professionals to do, and THAT is one of them...
  5. mearl

    mearl Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    We only have a couple of glass places around here and they all say they can't get a gasket and don't want to tackle it any way, that's why I did the last one myself. When I did the one on my C-80, I got it from Chevy Duty and it fit. I guess they've had to get them from off shore like every one else. I will look at Steele rubber, I didn't think of them, thanks.
  6. mearl

    mearl Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    We finally got the windshield installed, last weekend. My wife wouldn't give up on it (it's her pickup we're working on) she used weatherstrip adhesive and glued the gasket to the glass all the way round. We were very careful setting it in the hole, but once we got it to hold together long enough to pick it up, it went in easily. I used lamp shade cord and soap, that part worked as it should. If I ever do another one, I'll try to find a better quality gasket. Steele Rubber has it in their catalog for only about $15 more than LMC or Classic parts. I haven't seen one so I don't know if the quality is any better.
  7. dvalentine

    dvalentine Charter Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Well, nothing against our host's product, I've never seen those !! But I can say for sure that Steele Rubber's stuff is a PERFECT reproduction of factory weather stripping and all other factory rubber products.

    Glad it went well and your wife would not give up. She deserves a medal !!

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