hey guys i want to replace the vaccum motor wit new electric and have mostly original wiring. so where is best or ok spot for hooking up leads
A tip for adding more electrical goodies and not stacking a bunch of wires on the single factory accessory post is to run just one wire from the post to a buss block mounted on the inside of the firewall (or anywhere) and run the wires to the block. I use a block with at least four terminals but you can get them with any number. Nate or others can tell you how many amps the factory switch can handle. With the exception of the heater and wiper most modern accessories draw very few amps.
thanks to all . i can wire a house without burning it down or killing myself but auto electrics allways trips me
Circuit Protection There's a metal support between the dash and firewall , it makes a dandy mount for fuse blocks or better yet , circuit breakers . The idea is : use the smallest fuse you can without it blowing and make numerous seperate circuits each one with it's own fuse or breaker... Cole Hersey makes really nice two post circuit breakers with mounting tabs allready on the backside of them , you can run a power buss down one side of a row of these in varying amperes.... NAPA anf Grainger etc. sell them . I like to begin with 7 or 10 amperes rated circuits , most will work fine with 8 but that's a European spec. , here you're lucky to find 7 ampere breakers or fuses .