Brian has a great one. In case your wife gives you stuff about the time you're spending on your truck, think of this~ What you're building is being made out of something old to start with. (Like quilts.) If you do it right, it will be around forever. (Kinda' like quilts) We get on here and share ideas~ Not unlike the women folk that got together and gabbed about this, that, and other things while quilting. They created masterpieces. We too are taking something old and breathing new life into it. To keep us going? Well~ here we are! This site. Just like women folk of yore, we too, are crafting works of art out of something old. Something that will last as long as a quilt, and hopefully will be passed down with all the "stories" that are associated with quilts. So~ If you EVER catch cr*p for spending toooo much time on your beloved AD, just say, "I'm quilting!"
Yeah, And old quilts make good things to lie on under the truck or to wrap stuff that you haul so it won't scratch your bed. Wait, quilts-bed? Zig, I think you are a genious! Gater
Swmbo ~ I'm one of the lucky ones , not only doesn't she mind me constantly tinkering but she actually likes to go camping in my truck , here she is in Death Valley :
My wife gave my truck for me fro Christmas. Now there's a GREAT wife! But I don't think she would like me using her grandmother's quilt under the truck.
Agreed I am the lucky one paul was mentioning!!! My wife is wonderful... We have been married for a lil over a year now, and its just been so much fun. She actually stayed up late one night and bid on my truck for me on ebay. I just put my max bid in and let it go. but she didn't quite understand how that all worked, and didn't win. Fortunately the other guy didn't pay, and I got the truck cheaper then I was gonna pay for it But I thought that was really nice of her to get it for me!!! Cuz I was willing to wait for a while to get it.
Quilts What a coincidence, my wifes wrapped up in a quilt as you read this, i put it round her when i buried her in the back yard after she moaned about me spending too much time on the truck! Its a funny old world!
Mine is the best! SHMBO has been my biggest supporter, my parts manager, my "Hey, let's drive 300 miles one way because they might have that part I need for the truck!" for years now. She's my shipping agent for parts going to the West coast, midwest, and East coast. She's the one who has ordered all of the parts I needed for my truck on her "secured" website, while I've said "What does that mean?" Zig, she said that your stuff will be there in 3 business days, so I believe her. She rules dude!
I think I'm the winner My 3800 is actually my wifes, she wanted it, she learning to drive it, she helps in the garage. I call her " my lovely assistant ". She didn't like the old s-10 I had. To " getto ". She helpes, or at least comes out in the garage to keep me company. On Sundays, if I'm to slow to get moving, I hear " don't you have work to do in the garage"? She's a slave driver, but I love her. Ron
Wives It amazes me that there are so many nice guys involved with this site-- even more amazing is how frequently great wives show up married to those kind of guys. Treasure your wives, and treat them well-- they deserve it. Glenn
Right on, Glenn! "Behind every great man is a great woman." If it weren't for mine, I wouldn't be a teacher. She inspires me, even if she doesn't understand me on all things...
Wives Wives/trucks, dont look after them, service them rarely, drive them hard, wash them never, get them to carry all your cr*p, expect them to get going early in the morning, kick them if they dont! look at better models when your with them, make a fuss bout the bad bits but ignore the good parts, trade them in when they are worn out. Girlfriends on the other hand...........
Wives and Girlfriends AD truck owners with wives and girlfiends generally don't get to keep all of these things. My wife is definitely top of the list, she likes my truck, helped build it, did most of the parts ordering, and handled the shipping chores. She also knows exactly how much money we spent building the truck. Exactly. I wouldn't trade either of them. What a luck boy am I. I mean it. Jim
She likes to fish You bet she likes to fish. As much as Nate's bride likes to camp. Our fishing boat ain't exactly world class bass boat, but then we also own an AD pick-up that won a car show trophy today (3rd place truck restored pre 73). The red boat behind Thunder is a 1954 runabout with an original 40hp Mark 50 Mercury outboard (also 1954) a friend (his boat and motor) and I took to the Beaumont car show as a novelty today. Jim