Hi Guys ! Just want to check , I am wondering if you buy your tools from the same place I do ? When I drop a socket it always rolls under the truck and to the center where I can't reach it. When I am on the creeper for some reason my wrenches end up under it so I can't find them. My favorite tools I put in a safe place and can never find them again. I've tried Snap-on, Craftsman, Proto and Kobalt, all the same. There must be a school somewhere teaching tools to act this way. Bolts and nuts must be going to the same school. I left my drop cords out of this, but they sensed it and decided to tangle up in my creeper wheels just for laughs.
where did they go this time My tools seems like every time I get them built up someboby thinks they belong to them. So short of a few wrenches I do not buy anymore of em. The ones I do get to keep are forever finding new places to hide out at. Charles
Try growing hybrids... You guys brought a smile to my face reading these. My Dad used to ask me if I was trying to grow them, because he would find his tools all over the yard. I would be working on a bicycle or something and leave them laying around. Now, I have a little man that likes to "help" with Dad's tools too. Thanks!
Also How many tools have you heard bouncing down the road after they fall from under your hood after working on a vehicle??? You know, that metal hittin the road then bouncing up an hittin the underside of the car and you think......hope that was a nut not a snap on spanner!
one of favorite tools is a magnet on a long pole you can get a harbor freight on sale for like 5 bucks no more crawling around hunting just move it around and clank there is nuts, bolts, sockets, wrenchs , what ever you lost !!!
Got one of those. One of my favorite tools in the box. I pick up tools every week on the road while I am running. My kids are in awe as they see all the stuff I find. Best recent find was a 1/2" drive Craftsman ratchet handle. It was broken from being run over. Brought it to Sears and got a new one. No questions asked about the road rash all over it either. Andy
There is also a spring loaded tool with 3 fingers that can grip items that you can't reach--- well worth a couple of bucks-- you don't need to ask how I know-----
Hang in there, HP53DELUXE, my son did the same thing, now he is the head maint. mech. for a large corp.
Tool Retreivers I have those and more , in my primary rollaway box , but I rarely bother to look for them , I just get down and r e a c h under the darned vehicle to get the tool , of I use another long Flex handle to bad it out from underneath .
i love it when i drop a nut or bolt or socket down underneath the radiator, that takes some finagling to get to that. i also like to set tools on my rear fenders, and forget i put them there. I swear there are little tool fairies that come and take whatever tool I need and move it
Somebody get me a ferret They train animals to be our eyes, sniff for drugs and bombs, and even sense our illnesses, so can't someone train a ferret or something to retreive these loose items in small places? Of course the rest of your garage would have to be as neat and buttoned-down as an operating room or the little bugger would have EVERYTHING loose piled at your feet (or somewhere) in no time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWSUS5_gdoo