
Discussion in '1947-1954' started by morabuffalo, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. morabuffalo

    morabuffalo Member

    May 23, 2012
    Albuquerque, NM
    My truck has a new lease on life, now that I have retired...It is going to be doing a different type of hard work, than in the past. I plan to keep it on the road...and I do not mean just in the city.

    I just had my bi-weekly 400 mile trip to the mountains...and it was the worst trip I have had...It ran like crap! I recently made the VLV trip and this trip every two weeks, but I am glad to be back.

    I must have been testing my whip lash system on the 48 Chevy, because every time I barely put gas...it started bucking...the only time in 400 miles that it seemed to run better was when I floored it...which lasted only a few seconds, then was going too fast. It did not or could not idle.

    I field tested and cleaned out the carburator, but it did not help. So, I decided to get home(well, with luck) and go through the steps...check valves, timing, carb, fuel, etc. I had 400 miles to think about all of this...and plan it!

    Well, the whole trip was bucking...till the last two miles and suddenly....smooth...I was shocked! I did re-check the timing, but took it out around the block and Smooth! It must have blown something out. It started idling immediately. Magic!

    I will have to take a ride again manana...to double check it. Another day, another adventure! Don't you just love it!

  2. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Know your truck and man and machine are one !

    Great story .Thanks for sharing.

    Thought of something else here to. Remember the cultbook "Zen and how to maintain your motorcycle" . A story about a guy with his BMW motorcycle whom had learned how to deal with coming troubles when being on trips with the bike. His friend whas the opposite type a person . laughed at the old bike bought himself a totally new motorbike , not very inventive and intrested repairing his bike either. But when problems occured on a trip he had to make a lot a arrangements like mechanic or towtruck , motell overneight staying.

    Know your truck and man and machine are one.
  3. bigtimjamestown

    bigtimjamestown Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Jamestown Ca.
    It sounds like you sucked something in to the carb and if it did it once it will probably do it again. You might want to think about changing the fuel filter. If this happens again there are a couple of things you can try. First, with the engine off and the air cleaner off you can try crossing 2 plug wires. Then start the engine and crack the throttle a couple of times. This will cause the engine to backfire through the carb which usually dis lodges anything that is caught up in there. Then just put the wires back and all is good. Second if you have a can of carb clean you can spray down the carb at a fast idol and then cup your hand over it then open the throttle wide open and choke it down but don't let it die. Do this a couple of times and sometimes it will help too. Also you can pull the mixture screw and spray some cleaner in there too. These are some quick fix's I've used when I'm on the road that help....Big Tim :cool:
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Road Fun

    Rod ;

    I've nearned more in The Auto Trade by wrestling recalcitrant vehicles across America (and beyond) than any school ever taught me , I still do it and i still love it , some of my best adventures came when it wheezed to a halt in " don't want to be here after sundown " :rolleyes: .

    CONGRATS on the retirement ! .

    I may be forced out soon , I have no SSI to rely upon so I'm scared witless right now , this too shall pass .
  5. morabuffalo

    morabuffalo Member

    May 23, 2012
    Albuquerque, NM
    continuing saga

    Well, it is working...but.....

    I rebuilt the carb and an extra one. It is yet to prove itself. So, I am waiting to get it back on a road trip to check it out...Don't you just love it!


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