Decided to have my heater control valve rebuilt BEFORE putting it in the truck. a wise choice, I am sure. However, it's freakin' COLD here and I am going to install the fresh air heater without the valve for now while waiting for the rebulid. I have a water control valve that I am going to use and it can be controlled from inside the cab with a cable. Question is, which heater hose connection on the engine does water flow OUT of, the thermostat housing or the water pump? I'm guessing the water pump, but I would like confirmation before putting it all together. Thanks, Andy
Heater hose The water from the thermostat housing is the warmest water available and should be connected to the heater valve. Water flows up thru the housing and into the radiator, the water pump is dealing with cooled water from the radiator . Gene
That's What I Said Too ! I always connect 'em thisa way but the acessories book should be consulted for questions like these . my copy is miles away as I'm in So. Central L.A. to-day .
Acessories book Yeah, Ken provided me a link to that book on my other thread about heater questions. Where can I get a copy on paper? I don't remember seeing it available. Sometimes I just like to have the actual book in my hand so I can get the pages dirty. Can't do that with a virtual book, can you? Andy
Chevy Accessories Installation Book I'm sure Chevy Duty carries it , the neat thing is : it shows not only hot to install but every corrct nut , screw and bolt , plus , what the accessories look like so you can go swap meet hunting.....
Success I have HEAT!!! Installed the heater box today without the heater control valve as I am waiting for it to come back from the rebuilder. Nonetheless, the heater works. Thank goodness because it is COLD here today. Promptly loaded up the truck with construction debris and took a nice HEATED drive to the dump. Yay!!! Andy