55 chevy truck instrument cluster removal help

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by tracern1, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. tracern1

    tracern1 Member

    Apr 28, 2010
    I have a 55 chevy truck instrument panel that doesn't seem to want to come out after removing the 3 philips head screws. The panel moves and will come out forward a bit but that's it. Is there a secret to removing one of these instrment panels from the dash? Tyhanks for any help
  2. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    Have you unscrewed the speedo cable from the back of the speedometer?

    Have you unscrewed the oil pressure line at the back of the gauge?

    Have you disconnected the battery? This cuts down on smoke & fire when the leads going to the ammeter touch bare metal on the way out.

    And most importantly if you have a non-electric water temp gauge ....
    Have you removed the temp sensing bulb from the engine and have a helper standing by to carefully thread it through the firewall as you pull out the instrument panel?? Kinking or otherwise breaking the tubing between the gauge and the bulb will let the magic out and render the gauge useless until a large wad of money is applied to get it fixed.
  3. Bobby 57

    Bobby 57 Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    Long Beach Ca
    i've made a tool out of 1/8" lexan about 1" wide by 6" long. grind a bevel on one end then slide it between the top of the instrument panel and the dash and give it a wiggle.once you get it past the lip it should pop right out.this can also be done with a small straight blade screw driver if your not worried about scratching your dash or panel.good luck
  4. tracern1

    tracern1 Member

    Apr 28, 2010
    yes all this has been taken loose. The truck had been sitting out for about 5 years. i had to clean out the red wasps when I purchased the truck. The fella I bought the truck from kept telling me how valueble the truck would be when I got it fixed up. I kept thinking that if it waould be worth so much why was he leaving sit out leaving the chrome and small parts in the bed. Anyway thanks for the reply concerning the dash removal.
  5. tracern1

    tracern1 Member

    Apr 28, 2010
    Thsnk you the tip on the instrument panel removal. I will give it a try this afternoon. I will have to repaint the dash so a few scratches won't hurt a thing.
  6. babailey

    babailey Member

    Mar 10, 2009
    Mine was tough to get out the first time, now it almost comes out too easy. Once you get past the first few exits, it should be much easier.

    I know this because I am on my third speedo and I still do not know what speed I am traveling. I thought I would save a few bucks by shopping on e-bay. I have now purchased three different gauge clusters on e-bay and I still do not have enough good parts to build one good gauge cluster. I should have just purchased a new speedometer from pour hosts.
  7. tracern1

    tracern1 Member

    Apr 28, 2010
    Well, I also picked up a 57 chevy truck from the same fella. The instrument cluster looks to be in pretty good shape. Maybe I will do some trading with it

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