oil pan for 1954 235

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by ccharr, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    ??> you allready bought a set ? well , maybe you can fabricate a crossover right at the outlets......

    Me , I'd bang them to scrap with a Single jack .
  2. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Why use a lite weight on it, put a double jack on it.
  3. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Went Friday morning to Hoopers, they were already so many people there I had to wait for parking. Finally got was able to get the truck on a hoist by 1030 hrs. and by 1130 hrs they told me I had 514's and could get could get back on the road that day by 1430 hrs with a 410 pumpkin out of a 72 1 ton, for 500 out the door. So I let them do it, they were 250 dollars cheaper than the quote I got last week. So I max'd out a card on it.
    It is a whole lot nicer drivin down the road, can not go really any faster with the way the engine is non set up. But, I am not having the engine scream at high rev's all the time. What they did say there is Patrick has some people cuttin gears for him for the 3100 's but no one is cutting anything for the bigger units anymore. There was a company some time back that cut a batch but the 380s are to tall n thin? was what was stated.
    Anthony there said they take orders so. .. .. .... .. its Hoopers rear ends in sun valley, ca.
    It was a nice, nice, nice ride from the house to the Ventura Fair grounds and back, what a difference. :D


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