Thanks Will do that today.. Just didn't know if everyone has problems like that or is something not right... GLO..(Good Lookin Out) Cody
Cody, I think I have a simple solution for you. The bumper on the back of your truck appear to have too much curve in it and the bumper on the front of your truck does not appear to have enough curve. I think that it has the front bumper on the rear and the rear bumper on the front. I'll bet if you switched them around, you'd have enough clearance for the license plate. Look at the curve of the front bumper on mine and look at how much flatter the back bumper is. Hope that helps! Ken
Thanks Ken, Wow, your truck is sweet!! I will take a look at that in the morning. I talked to my dad and he said it's always been like that but I will try it out. My daughter said, "Dad, why don't your truck look like that. I won't be scared riding in that one" (talking about yours) Thanks, Cody
Thanks for the compliment! Tell your daughter that any time she comes down to Tomball, she can ride shotgun in my truck!
Hey Zig, have you ever considered giving up your day job and becoming a full time comedian? Beautiful day in Tomball, Tx. Took the truck out for a spin around the 'hood this morning. What a dream these old trucks are to drive. Put about 30 miles on it just putzing around. Plan to take it out again this evening. Did you drive yours today? Oh yeah, I forgot...yours doesn't run! I'll think about you tomorrow when I'm cruizin'! Ken with a big grin!
Zig: Don't let Ken give you a hard time. I live less that 10 miles from him and I've never seen this supposed truck of his. It is amazing what you can do with PhotoShop.
Chamber of Commerce day in South East Texas. Been out most of the afternoon driving kids to softball practice and just cruising around. These old trucks are a lot of fun. It won't be too long and it will be too hot here to enjoy driving them in the middle of the day.
If the back bumper is on the front, then the back brackets maybe on the front to. I had to buy back bumper and brackets from our host because of the same problem.
Kansas budget cuts are real! So what this means is, no rain in the area so Ken put it in neutral, rolled it out into the sunshine, put the parking brake on, and then walked around the "hood" with a tack rag to get the dust off. (Then back inside that beautiful garage for another day of adventure...) Yes, I'm just envious...
Tried to rearrange the new brackets and license plate, but still no room. Hope I can get to messing with the bumpers and brackets today to see if I have the same issue as you. New project- I backed the truck out yesterday and when I got out, I had a trail of Transmission fluid from garage. Well, a hose was cracked on the Transmission cooler so, going to go ahead and replace those hoses and cooler. Since putting the 350 in the truck, they moved the cooler and mounted it on the right fender under hood. Pic to come. Where would it be located if everything was original? Thanks for the heads-up. Cody
I would relocate the cooler you have to the inside of a trash can and go with a smaller cooler on the front side of the radiator. For 1 the cooler is way over kill and 2 you can't get any real air flow if it's mounted to a surface that doesn't allow the air to flow through it. I was just kidding with the trash can remark, I would take it to the scrap yard instead cause it has copper in it. Go to Summit on line they have Trans. coolers for about 35 bucks.....Big Tim
HAHA... I hear ya. Well, between the grille and radiator, there is a fan (don't know the proper name of it)and also don't know if it works, would it go in there mounted somewhere? I bought a smaller cooler from Autozone yesterday so before I have to drill new holes, I probably need to research about putting it down by radiator. Thanks, Cody
I had also thought about mounting mine behind the grille, in front of the passenger wheelwell, cutting out a rectangle behind it for the air flow. Put a piece of small weave square hardware cloth behind it to fend off rocks, maybe a small fan for slow speed cruising.
Sounds like you have the fan pushing air through the radiator. They are more efficient if they are pulling air through the radiator. Soooo if you mount the fan on the engine side of the radiator and reverse the fan direction then you can mount the Trans. cooler on the front side of the radiator. Since you are running a v8 you should be able to do this with no problem. Here's a pix of my 61 with a electric fan. ........... Big Tim
After looking at your original pix it looks like you already have a fan on the engine so all you really need is some kind of fan shroud to help the fan pull the air through the radiator. Then you can get rid of the electric fan. Somebody probably put it on because the one on the engine wasn't pulling enough air but a shroud will help just make sure the fan only go's in to the shroud about 3/4 of the way, That's what works the best.
That cooler is doing nothing but heating up the trans fluid with engine heat. Gotta love the previous owner's genius ideas.