Building a clone of grandpa's service truck

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by SinclairChevy, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa

    Where do you come up with these awesome photos of AD trucks with trains?? I find this one especially cool, of course. And yes, you're right... how cool would it be to see the Sinclair Chevy finished next to a big ol' Sinclair Oil transport car like that!?!?!

    Thanks for sharing, sir!! Yes, that's another great motivator!

  2. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    In the immortal words of Larry the Cable Guy, "Git r done"
  3. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    Found a great deal on Craig's List. I just picked up an old Chevy inline-six mated up to a three-speed transmission. It has a stock intake manifold, a carburetor, a stock exhaust manifold, and the timing plate/front motor mount that I need to finish my engine. All I had to do was trade away the spare short bed box I had on hand. Score! Time to get back to work.

    Here are a couple photos.



    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Sweet !

    Does it turn ? .

    I see it came with a Delcotron alternator and bracket , that's $75 right there .

    If it turns , get busy cleaning the dirt out of that open timing chest right away , then either stand it up or put on a really sturdy engine stand and begin to wake up process , soon it'll roar back to life then you can clean & pant it , dress how you like then install and begin selling off the left over pieces for fun and profit...

    Sigh ~ this is the part I like most and I can't do diddly squat right now .
  5. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa

    If I remember the advertisement correctly, the engine ran when it was removed from the truck (the owner is converting to a 350 small block) but it smoked a lot. I wanted the engine for the accessory stuff that my freshly rebuilt engine lacked:

    Various brackets
    The timing plate/front motor mount (my oiler was missing)
    Stock intake manifold
    Stock exhaust manifold

    Not sure which way I'll go as far as the charging system just yet, but I know I'll go 12 Volt, so this alternator will do just fine for now (as long as it works). I will also be adding power steering and will need the short water pump for the 235.

    It feels good to be working on the truck again. Can't wait to get what I need off of this engine and get it on the project engine.

    Thanks for the tips, Nate. For now, you'll have to be content "wrenching" with a keyboard helping us out on the forums. Believe me, I'll be putting you to "work" plenty as I get my power plant back together.

  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I6 Fun

    O.K. Damon .

    How about some other pix ? .

    I'm betting you can make a few $ off this thing , mind all the little screws and so on .

    The alternator bracket is the only thing ~ go look up 1987 Camaro V8 with automatic & AC , that'll have the Si alternator you want , it only needs one wire to work and so is far cleaner when installed .
  7. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    What would you like to see pics of, Nate? Kinda tough to get pics of the dizzy side of the motor with it still in my pick-up.

    I agree whole-heartedly on keeping all of the fasteners from the engine. I kept all of the fasteners from the previous two (if not three) engines, I just gotta find where I put the labeled Ziplok bags with all of the parts.... ooops.

    Is the one-wire alternator really all that better than the two- or three-wire? I do like the idea of a clean installation, but I have no problems with wiring up a three-wire or any other option which functions properly. My tractor (1949 Farmall "H") came with a GM alternator already on it. However, it wasn't wired properly, so I had to undo all of the wiring and started over from scratch. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't using the one-wire alternator mean that the exciter wiring is constantly running? And isn't this unnecessary? Does it shorten the life span of the unit? I guess I'm just a little bit unclear on the differences between the various alternator options. I do plan on using an internally-regulated alternator, not a generator or alternator with the firewall-mounted regulator.

    Any clarification between the options would be greatly appreciated.

  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Alternator Choices

    A true one wire alternator is internally regulated so all you needs do is rev. the engine up to 3,000 + RPM's and !BINGO! it begins to charge .

    Or , you can add the exciter wire like most do , this requires a diode in the wire or a relay (good idea this) or a DA Plug .

    Three wires are only for external regulator alternators .

    They all work and last about the same , the SI is simpler , cheaper and available anywhere in America , not so much the older Delcotrons anymore .

    All you really need is 65 amperes , that'll keep the battery fully charged and the lights nice and bright whilst the radio & amp. are blasting and the heater or ACV is cranked up full .

    100 Amperes sounds cool but , the alternator never puts out more than is needed and you rarely need more than 65 amperes no matter what so why pay more for junk you don't need ? .

    I know , typical cheap @$$ Farmer logic but , the stockers always run better and last longer than the Hot Rods so you pays your monies and makes your choice .

    My truck runs the original Delcotron externally regulated crappo 35 Ampere alternator and it's fine .

    My old daily driver Metropolitan Nash FHC runs a LUCAS 20 ampere generator .
    I did cheat and install an electronic voltage regulator but it looks original and makes that old generator work just fine , 15 years & counting @ 800 miles / week .
  9. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    This is a big help, Nate... thank you very much.

    I was considering the SI alternator with the DA plug a three-wire set-up, but I think I get what you're saying. A true three-wire set up is like on my old fire truck, with the field wire and all that jazz. I know I don't wanna go that route. I believe I'll go with the SI alternator with the DA plug/exciter wire/diode thing-a-ma-jig. The diode is missing from the charging system on my old tractor, so I just subbed in a parking lamp socket from a late 1970's Chevy truck and plugged a 194 bulb into it to act as the 'no charge' indicator.

    There is nothing wrong with cheap @$$ farmer logic. There's a lot to be said for methods that save a guy money while getting the problem solved. I absolutely want to go with an alternator that I can get at any auto parts store across our great land, as I intend on using this truck to take road trips. Long ones, hopefully.

    Thanks for your input, Nate... it's always greatly appreciated!

  10. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Alternator versus generator

    Hey guys

    When i bought my truck it whas converted to a 12 v system and it have the modern alternator in it. I still kept the old Remi Delco generator in my workshop , just incase i need it :). Some years ago i overhauled the Heavy thing and its working just fine.
    I dont really like the look of that alternator and considder to install the Remi Delco generator back in place again ? What difference would that give in power and how should i wire it up ?

    Apreceate all information . Martinius
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    Martinus ;

    Is this old generator applied with a RED DELCO tag ? .

    Red tags mean 12 volts , black tags mean 6 volts .

    The connection is very simple : three wires , the thickest terminal on the gen. is the armature connection , the thin one is the field connection and that empty . threaded hole next to the threaded terminals is the ground connection , very important for proper charging ! .

    Use a 1/8" long screw so you don't damage the field windings inside .

    New voltage regulators are available , look up 1959 Chevy anything and jot down the DELCO P/N then begin searching .

    Many aftermarket regulators are direct copies of the old DELCO units so you can drill out the rivets and place your re painted original cover on a new off brand regulator and no one will ever know .

    The DELCO generators don't put out much current , maybe 25 amperes ? enough though so not to worry but do expect the head lights to dim or flicker @ idle speeds .

    Unless you've replaced the commutator end bushing , it's -NOT- rebuilt yet and will chew up brushes fairly quickly ~ lucky for you the bushings are cheap , easily available and easy to replace too .

    I've forgotten what the drive end ball bearing # is , maybe 202 ? if you add "" CC" or "PP" to the end of the correct part # , you'll get a modern , fully closed bearing that needs no oiling and will last forever .

    You'll almost certainly have to shuffle the spacers & shims on the drive end of the armature though , be ready for this and don't panic , just take it back apart and shim until the cover slides right into place .

    Non Power Steering Oldsmobiles and Pontiacs had slightly higher output 12 volt generators in the late 1950's , back in the day we'd use them on tow and shop trucks to increase charging .

    DO NOT screw things up by " flashing " or " polarizing " the generator unless it refuses to charge after you're all done .

    It is *vitally* important that you use a three wire sub harness and ground the voltage regulator directly to the generator , this ensures proper field exciting , hence good charging , no pitted / burned regulator points and so on .

    Thick , 1.5 M wires too , good one with lots and lots of strands ~ many cheaper brands of wire have few actual strands and are not good current carriers .

    To easily test the gennie before doing anything else , make up a jumper lead that bridges both terminals on the unit then connect this lead to the " + " terminal on a fully charged 12 volt battery , then touch the negative lead from said battery to the gennie's case ~ I use the mounting ear . it should begin to spin freely , not overly fast though .

    have fun and let us know how it all works out .
  12. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Delco Remy generator

    Yes its the one with the red tag 12 v.

    Thanks Nate fore the thourough information on how to install the old generator. I allready have the regulator in Place. I will follow your step by step procedure and just do the job.

    Thanks a lot Martinius.
  13. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    Ok, Nate... you asked for more photos, so here they are. I was able to remove the water pump, thermostat housing, alternator, and some brackets today. I couldn't find my pulley puller, so I took a break from removing bits and pieces and snapped a few photos.

    I also learned that the head on this 235 is the desirable 3936848 head. Good score again.






  14. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Better & Better

    This is what I'm always on about when I say there's scads of perfectly good 235's out there for the taking ~ even if this one is stuck its loaded with good parts .

    THANK YOU for the additional pictures Damon , for me , this is the very best Old Truck Porn there is ~ I can almost feel me tinkering it back to life.....
  15. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Cylinder head

    Damon , could you be kind to tell me why this head is so desireable ?

  16. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    235 Cylinder Heads

    Martinus ;

    The full pressure 235 I6 engine was one of GM's best designs , as such it's easy to run it too hard in hot weather and overheat it , leading to cracks internally .

    GM made several different castings of this head and the one with the raised up casted in P/N ending in " 848 " is the last and very best one they ever made .
  17. SinclairChevy

    SinclairChevy Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Keokuk, Iowa
    Thanks for explaining that, Nate... I wasn't exactly sure why the head was more desirable, I just remember reading that it was the preferred option. And you're welcome for the photographs. I know everyone here is a fan of pictures, pictures, and more pictures... but in your situation of not being able to go out and wrench on stuff when you want to (til ya get healed up)... if the photos help ya out imagining you tinkering on your goodies, I'll post all the pictures you can stomach. You're an invaluable resource to us all here, Nate... but especially to the "newer to the old stuff" guys like myself. I greatly appreciate your help, as well as the other members who have offered parts, experience, tips, tricks, etc.

    Unfortunately, I broke the dizzy cap transporting the engine home, and the blow-by tube came out of the block (not sure if it's damaged). Since I'm just using this engine for peripheral parts, I'm not too upset that it suffered some bumps and bruises. However, I am going to keep it on hand, as it took me purchasing three engines to find one worthy of a rebuild the first time around. I don't wanna have to scour the countryside for another rebuild candidate should my engine torpedo at some point. I've even tossed around the idea of maybe re-powering my old tractor with this "new" 235, but I have plenty enough on my plate right now as it is.

  18. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thanx Damon !

    Most look at that and see a greasy old lump of junk ~ .

    I look at it and see the unobtanium hardware , brackets and so on I always find on forgotten , never touched trash and takeouts like this .

    My rigs may all be junk but , they're *very* carefully built using bits & bobs from wherever I can find them .

    I did my Daily P.T. to - day in a junkyard in Lomita , Ca. , lots and lots of walking amongst the rows of discarded vehicles.......

    I found a pristine driver's side sun visor for my Foster boy's '91 Camry LE V6 , he's working two jobs and going to school so I bought this car for him and rebuilt & re painted it it , he's a great kid (most of our Foster boys are) and earned it .
  19. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Best PT I could think of.
  20. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Good Physical Therapy

    It's been working for me for 6 decades now Russ.......

    My Brother came by and first took me to the Lomita RailRoad Museum but , I wanted to walk my beloved scrap yards now while I still can dammit :p .

    My Dr's always tell me my heart & thins are in much better shape than they expect , me being old fat and totally broken down , I think my love of walking , riding Motos and working with my hands , has much to do with this .

    SWMBO is loving having me sitting around the house doing nothing , it's driving me crazy . my Dr. says I may be forced to retire now , I'm not sure I want than , too much time on my hands .

    Less $$ too :( .

    I know she's all excited about me not going off at the buttcrack of dawn 6 days a week if possible , I like it and always have .

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