Ken i see your pics of the spare tire carrier and now realize that i am missing the part that goes up against the bed and the nut on the j bolt...
Hey All You So. Cal Guys check this show and swap meet out nice and close to me for a change. With the 405 freeway closed I hope it will be...
I start my truck drive about 10 minutes while watching the thermo go up past the 180 mark to about 210 then drops to 180 till i shut it off.It is...
Got there about 7am Left about 10am very hot heres some pics I didnt take my truck It was to hot.
Im going to the Fillmore CA car show today I will try to post pics when i get back its ussally a pretty nice show.
Just wanted to know the cast iron headers that i baught are painted but from what i understand that the paint is just to stop rust and it will...
I baught fenton headers and would love to see how everybody ran their exhaust pipes pics would be great if possible and what kind of mufflers they...
Check this out spotted in my jurneys not a bad deal 5 window
I think this has got to be one of just a few left still standing I saw this beaut on my travels down by LAX today what a guy could do with this.
long beach swap meet is this sunday I might go anybody else going.
I was driving down the 210 freeway today and I was admiring this beatifull car and to my surprise it was good old jay leno on one of his famouse...
Hey Ken I was looking at your pics of your truck It is really nice I was wondering what size vacume line and what size gas line you have running...
Does any body Know if there was an under the hood light accessorie for our trucks 47 to 54 and if so have a picture of what it looks like or...
I have a sqeeking noise comming from my steering wheel/column and was wondering if its the bearing inside the column thats making the noise and...
I changed my rearend from 4-11s to 3-55 from patricks and it works great problem is my spedo was about 20 miles slower than actual speed then it...
Look what i actully stepped on at the long beach swap meet it was laying on the ground at a vendors booth I knew what it was i dont think he did I...
Does any body have a clear pic of the dash of a 1950 pickup I wanted to see exactly where the defrost cable and the warmer dial of the ranco...
Hey guys just wanted you all to see how exited my wife got when i brought this freshly powder coated wheel home, you probably can tell by the...
I was wondering if #1 any members have powder coated their running boards #2 if so does powder coating resist the gas that sometimes overflowes...
I baught a used correct harrison deluxe heater for my truck and everything is there exept the cable and i think the water valve are not. what i...
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