What's the deal here ? they're in a different place on the block of my 292 than they are on the old 250 . Anyone ? . TIA ,
O.K. , so it's a used 1960's vintage but it is the vaunted 292 CID Long Stroke thinwall engine the current crop of wanna bee's are all hot for ....
O.K. , the short story is : the valve guides on this 1969 C/10's 250 CID L6 are looser than Madonna's knees plus the intake manifold's PCV...
Dang California " Motor Fuel " ! :mad: whatever the heck it is , it AIN'T Gasoline ! . I was fiddling with the carby on my '69 C/10 yesterday...
Is everyone ready ? . I assume all are out driving their old trucks buying Christmas Trees , Honica Bushes , presents egg nog and so on as the...
Can is get ayone who has a 1/2 T rig to snap some clear pix of how the lower ends of the rear shocks are mounted ?. My '68 has all random wrong...
For a '67 ~ '87 230/250/292 : Manifolds and air cleaner can for the Rochester Monojet carby , stock stuff is fine , I'll clean it up even ....
ZOWIE ! I just slapped on a set of HD gas shocks and what a difference :D I knjow this is for the later , A - Frame trucks 1964 (?) ~ 1987 but...
I need some pictures of the 6 cylinder carby & air cleaner setup as i'm looking for stock ones , any help is greatly appreciated . TIA ,
For a 230 / 250 / 292 CID , I'll look at most anything , to fit the stock Rochester Monijet carby . there's a tube too , i need all of it ....
O.K. , I got a query for my older posts on this , anyone know where they went ? :confused: . Please post links to them both, Deve's most...
As I ordered up some new AC DELCO ignition points for my '69's 230 and when I opened the box , out came a set of Standard Ignition Products $5.00...
Anyone here have the Classic Parts ' USA-1 ' radio ? (P/N 69-750) I have one and I cannot figure out how to set the clock in it . Maybe...
I was able to get one of these from another lister here for my old '76 , where can I get one for this 1969 ? . TIA ,
I see these listed but only for V-8's ~ are they designed so I can switch it to 6 cylinder or will it needs be sent out for rebuilding &...
All ; I'm a bit out of water here as I can't recall ever owning a vehicle with a Panhard bar before , this new '69 C10 has coil springs ,...
Here it is ! . http://www.bilsteinus.com/uploads/tx_templavoila/BilsteinAppGuide308_02.pdf For those who like a good ride and safe high...
I can't seem to figure out how to go to it..... :confused: . I click on the picture of a truck above but that's just for the forums . A...
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