Meanwhile in Florida...
Those are some mighty long front fenders.
Don't leave us hanging, where is the rest of the story? Pictures? LOL
Most states will allow vintage plates of the same year as the vehicle. Some states then limit the usage of the vehicle, (I.E. buses can't haul...
How did you live without an angle grinder? The tasks you can do with one of those is only limited by your own imagination.
Welcome. These guys will fill you with vast amounts of knowledge and advice. They only ask (beg) for lots of pictures in return.
There is a dealer listed in Okeechobee. Probably spend more in gas than cost and shipping combined.
I know it is strong enough to hold the weight of the truck with the front end up on the back of a rollback, and then it was drug for at least 10'...
It had a single horn mounted under the radiator splash apron. Didn't use anything that resembled these brackets. Might be possible it had 2...
What? Now you expect us to read instructions?
Looks good. Any issues with it lining up? I have mine off, haven't gotten to attempt putting it back on yet.
They say that safety is no accident. Glad everyone was OK. I have a friend who has been building high end custom cars for most of his adult life,...
and the rest.
Finally had time to get some pics.
Nate, Someone suggested they were used to hold the metal part on the wiring of the under hood light and that this one had 2 lights. I am...
Lots of good stuff in there. Would love to see that bird out in the light.
I'm definitely not anything close to an expert on these things. The 2 mounts appear to be stock as the holes are perfectly lined up and evenly...
Here are a few of my 1 ton. This hitch is a standard hitch that they simply added brackets to mount it below the bumper, but it looks like a...
Please enlighten me oh wise one. Where? That thing below and to the right of the heater valve? There is a matching one on the other side. Nothing...
I think it is for the push trough clips that hold the floor insulation mat in place. If you look at #4 in the last ones I sent, just above the...
Separate names with a comma.