The formula used for determining RPM given MPH, axle gear ratio, transmission gear ratio, and tire size is the following: mph X 336.1524 X...
The #'s you are looking for are located on the passenger side of the block at the front of the engine behind the water pump and in front of the...
The Ohms have to be the same for the gauge and the sender in order for it to work properly. Example 0-90 ohms. Just check the sender to make sure...
An aquierd taste.... I think those massive grills look pretty good especially when they are chromed and used on a 4 wheel drive or a larger...
I custom built that manifold about 30 years ago to use with the Holly 2 barrels. I also removed the chokes and they still seem to work just fine....
I would use a Holly 350CFM 2 barrel. I use two of them on mine and have great success. Just make sure you match the power valve to whatever your...
The custom wheel is different than the standard wheel...[ATTACH]
Bump Steer Bump steer can be a result of improper caster on the front axle. In other words if you were to shim the axle between the mounting...
Sorry for your loss buddy...Big Tim:(
If you adjust the float level in your Carb. it will probably fix your bleed down problem...
It would be better if you showed a pix of the whole tranny especially the shifter side or where the shift linkage connects...
The Tranny will work but you will have to change bell housings
I used a set of mounts out of a mid 70[s truck. Carce them in with a torch and fit them with a hammer. Then weld them out and your good to go....
Steering wheel puller smerring wheel puller! A simple way to remove a steering wheel is to Use a air chisel :eek: if you have one. I know this...
The best thing to do would be find a welding shop in your area that has a Iron Worker. They most likely would have the right dies that would work...
Air chisel for pulling off a steering wheel? A simple way to remove a steering wheel is to Use a air chisel if you have one. I know this sounds...
I used a newer switch in mine from a 55 and up, the type where you can take the key out and still turn the switch without the key but you need the...
What Nate says.... Would be a simple test.... :eek:
It depends, while you had the distributor out, did you move the vacuum advance up from it's original location? If so then you can move it back to...
Looks good but if you haven't done so all ready you should put some rubber between the top mount and the top tank. It's not a good idea to have...
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