My hood as I work each spot weld, cutting cross slots thru the junk remaining metal to get clearance for the four inch grinder to slowly grind the...
Across the bottom of the front edge of the hood there are approximately 34 spot welds, use sandpaper to reveal the center, use a center punch and...
My donor hood I just cut above the valance, if you need better pics Dave let me know..
Hi David, you must have rusted out corners just above the rubber bumpers...? I have the same, I picked up a donor hood bent in the center but the...
either would be good, not sure how much room there is for the truck units / motor mounts but they must fit sense they were standard production pieces.
[IMG] [IMG] Top pics are camaro, caprice, nova `70`s ...... bottom pics are `70`s chevy truck
As many trucks as I seen butchered in the forums in the last ten years, and as many slammed trucks I see on CL there is going to be a lot of good...
Far as I know no, you might want to check with a welding shop or sheet metal fab shop, they might have misc pieces in junk bins from stamp outs.
These are 64 to `66....not sure if the 60 is the same...they used the high hump for two transmissions, the SM 465 truck four speed with granny low...
Sweet truck you have..!
The speaker mount brackets are part of the speaker, you`ll have to come up with of original speaker...they do have kick panels...
Call the vendor to confirm you have the right parts first....they may have mixed they`re parts...!
Are you talking about width after brackets on frame, or holes to bumper to may have to message them on the width, frame tolerances...
Matt get yourself a can of PB blaster, rust penetrant, soak them down good and leave overnight, I believe you might have to use a philiips impact...
A lot depends on how thick the seat back rest is, with the tank out I only gained two inches at the base of the seat, with the back rest straight...
[IMG] Snapon tool part number a192, don`t really need this it does make it a little easier, you can use a small #4 srew driver, grab the hinged...
Tatoo for your front fender rear quarter.....
I just glued the outside as well, has never been an issue, the only part that has been an issue is the lower portion just above the trim plate on...
:eek: Now all you need is a big block, then it would be fitting..... Rat
Great add on Jonnygogo, thats a future project, got just the steel plate for it.
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