You`re not the only person to do this, this was Alan`s truck he had the same issue...not detected till cab was painted and dropped onto frame.
You`re getting there, slowly but surely, its better t do it right once than to do it again....good job.!
Do the cab save the windshield area and top of cab, beg, borrow, steal a small sandblaster, cleanout the upper gutter area top of cab...
First of all does the GMC have the same crossmember as the chevy to mount the trailing arms...? if it does I would use the ( 80 ) axle to put...
[IMG] Is this what you need, Early Classic Enterprises sells them, may even find them at Oriely`s, Napa, auto zone.
Not that my values are any good but surprizing...15.5 inches...:eek: This just showed up on the dark side 2.5 spindles with one inch drop...
Here`s a pic of antiricer`s truck found on the net, he was doing a front drop, one coil cut off stock spring, no other changes, 350/350 combo,...
John after giving this some thought, if you have the stamina, find yourself a set of freebie springs from any c-10 73 to 88, drag them home and...
I prefer Early Classic Enterprises for Disc conversion....I know a lot of truck owners that have used them with no issues and they a good rep for...
Check voltage regulator, it sounds as if the contacts are stuck in a closed position.
Nice show David, fine looking rigs there...
mine is 4/3 with a 28 inch tire....275/60/15 on all four corners.
Welcome from the left coast, we need more pics and info......:)
Go here....'s+Makeover+II Be advised that even this low will limit what you can carry, if...
Started cleaning up some parts, using cheap white vinegar, took four days to clean off 50 years of rust, cost 1.93, and no elbo grease, just let...
The T-89 is quite a bit differant in shape.
[IMG] SM-318 as shown
Great glad it worked out for you...!
Cool Bob glad it all worked the fun begins,,,
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