To Texaco's credit, clearing cookies will not work. They are maitaining a database of the e-mail addresses and confirming those addresses before...
There is 8 days of voting for each decade left. The Grand prize for all decades is awarded in November. I swear the guy in 1st place is...
That is a LOT of play !!! I think too much to just be a tightening adjustment. If there is a rag joint from a colmun swap look at that....
Nicely Done !!
The motor is lookin good buddy !!
Thanks everybody !! Tell your friends !!!!
Go with the EZ-wire kit. It sounds like you are doing a "rod-storation" so an original harness is moot. $165 for a mini 20 circuit harness....
*** BUMP **** We are 30 votes (300 points) behind. P L E A S E !!!! H E L P !!! [IMG]
Yup, they are in the back of the Factory Service Manual !! You can pick one up from our hosts here.. Dval
Quick fix... take two passengers on a ride over some speed bumps at 45 mph with the seat belts off.... ;)
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your fine taste in vehicles. The problem you will have with the Tremic's, or Borge Warner, 5 speeds...
Yup, that's about it !! I don't think it's intended to compress like a door jam seal. The weather tight seal is the shifter boot and trim ring...
You Talkin to Me ??? [IMG] ;)
Never seen a plate like that on our trucks equipted with the SM420. Didyou replace he foam seal ?? A new one may provide a better seal, it did...
yes,,, someone knows.... ;)
I'd say $500-$600.. Prices will vary based on your location.. dv
Thanks Guys !! The guy in 1st place got 30 "10" votes in about 2 hours on Friday. I smell a RAT !!! ;) I've been offering free fill-ups, (...
Thanks Ken, Yea, that truck has gotten 45 votes in two days.. (?) 30 of thos in th last two hrs... I smell a rat !! The 32 got 12 in the...
Oh Great ! Now he won't buy he manual !!! ;)
When you first had this problem a few months ago, what had changed on the truck ?? Did you just do ANYTHING related to wiring before the first...
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