Check the block casting numbers FIRST to be sure what it is you have. The casting numbers are located on the bell housing flange just below the...
Also, Check the motor. What motor is in there ? Stock ? If it's the original motor there isn't supposed to be an external balancer. Those...
Yup.. It's true.. But when you get it low enough to where it sits right,,, not much of the suspension is left... Ride quality will suffer... dv
AMEN Reverend !!! dv
Good feeling huh ?? Keep chippin away at it ! It's looking real fine.. ;) dv
I would go back and look at the front brake installation again. It could be, adjusters installed wrong or pads installed backwards. dv
Common ??? Nobody ??? I was hoping this one would get some interesting information... dv
Hi ! Welcome to the forum !! "Does it mean that I should assemble the whole front losely and then try to shove some shims in then?"...
Welcome to the forum ! Great looking rig ! We will help when and where we can, all you have to do is pay it forward when you can !! ;) dv
Well, nothing against our host's product, I've never seen those !! But I can say for sure that Steele Rubber's stuff is a PERFECT reproduction of...
In California the ACCC has fought this program for years ! For very similar reasons that you stated. I kind of see this as a new way for people...
I know little about these guys but for what it's worth,, Try Google searchs, e-bay,...
If that gasket isn't from Steel Rubber products, and is from some off-shore supplier, you will probably not be too successful getting it to work....
Actually,,, The one I used bolts to the differential. It was called simply an Adjustable Panhard Bar. The one that Kustom is referring to is...
NO ! The adjustable bar sould fit !!! If it does not, contact the vendor. They may have sent the wrong one. The bar should be installed and...
Is there no limit to the ideas floating around Vinnie's head ??? I think NOT !! ;) dv
Go over your connections at the starter. Something is wrong there.... dv
SWEET !! Nice work !!
You need an ADJUSTABLE panhard bar.... Was to new one you have adjustable ??? dv
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