Looks great. Did I miss it?? What are you using to prevent rust?
Thanks. It has been an awesome project and is far from done!
OK.......so a little playing and working on the truck the past weekend. Last night my son and I flushed the cooling system with water and...
Had a marathon late night session last night and got the brake leaks fixed and the brakes bled. Also tightened up the steering box. This...
Still plugging away a little at a time. Life is soo busy right now we projects and work........but the end is near for Henry!! Picked up a seat...
4-1/2 grinder with a skinny wheel misc drill bits small hole saw couple allen wrenches, wrenches and a screw driver. Couple hour job.
Sweet!! :-)
Thanks. It is finally coming together.
Great info on the doors. I will open it up and replace the thermostat.
This weekends achievements: Drivers door latch is done inside and out. Weather stripping also done. So impressed with the Altman kit. Easy to...
And the rear suspension is finally finished!!! Got some time this week to weld up some rear shackle mounts and welded them on Henry yesterday...
I invested in some Trique latches from Russ.
My drivers side latch is shot, and the passenger side took a heck of a slam to latch solidly.
Short night last night as well.. Verified my temp gauge was working. All seems OK. Little 216 just takes awhile to get warm enough to move the...
That is a good possibility. Once I get it on the road and get some miles on it I plan on flushing the cooling system and checking it out!!
I only had a short window of time last night but got the drivers side 90% done......just fighting some rusty screws in the door Jam and I will be...
Thanks Nate!! You always hear that these 216's do not like RPM's........so I was curious!!
Turns out the darn thing was working........I was just not giving the truck enough time to get warm. Little 216 does not create much heat....
All these great offers keep popping up a zillion miles away from me.....grrrrr
My set showed up today.....cannot wait to put them one!!
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