Hydro trans Chev used Hydro trans 1954-1959. Not to popular but they were out there. GMC used more of them. Don't know how many were made.:)...
Bearings What year is your front axle ? 41-59 used ball bearings 60-61 used ball bearings 62-69 used roller bearings inner Hy-A-1412362...
Nice color Looking great, keep up the good work:) Gene
Eastwood I have found if you use Eastwood products as directed they work well. My shop looks like an Eastwood commercial.:) Gene
Looks great Nice job, Lots of work HUH? But worth it, now drive it.:D Gene
How to restore Post some pictures and let us know the condition of the running gear.:) Gene
Its been a life time I bought it 1984 and started restoration. Then came some major interuptions, (like a job and move from Calif.). So I put it...
Springs The springs are overload springs, if you are not going to haul any thing heavy you won't need them. The two holes are for the outside...
Walnut blasting Walnuts are less likely to stretch the metal.:) It cost me $ 650.00 to blast everything. There is a big cleanup involved,...
Ride in truck Nate glad to here from you. Any time you are in this area you are welcome to a 'RIDE' :D Which one ?? :D Gene. [ATTACH]
Windlace There is a thread on page 3 that covers this. WINDLACE HELP ON 51 dated 11-06-2008 Hope this helps :) Gene
A complete off frame restoration, 1951 5 window cab, 235 replacement engine, 4spd trans and 6 volt system. Body repairs using lead and Rage...
Spring widths 47-54 width is 1 25/32 55-59 width is 2 1/16 Maybe this will help. Get out your tape measure and start figuring.:) Gene
Knobs Unhook your battery cables and remove the nuts holding the cables under the dash. Use a 9/16 wrench. Also unhook at the carb.:) Gene
Separate names with a comma.