Okay having trouble with inner silver can attaching properly. Must be doing something wrong. I know the spring goes on lower left but the two...
Thanks Evan
Ok I have watched numerous youtube videos and am still foggy on how to use the 3m patch, I really like the idea. I think the process is as...
That sounds great. So you put a patch (temporary?) on the inside and then spread the material on the other side? DO you then sand it smooth? Denis
Very nice! Here is the passenger side view. The large hole is heater motor, the two to the right and below are the hoses for coolant. No idea...
Anyone used the firewall cover form our sponsor? the "hump" offset in the picture looks much bigger then what I see in existing? Denis
Thanks all here is the plan. 1. clean firewall 2. welding blanket to protect 3. using blanks, copper magnet prefit holes 4. practice with mig...
Thanks, I have about 5 holes slightly bigger than a quarter, I have some sheet metal plugs. I also have copper magnets to help hold pieces in...
Well the rewiring is going well and i have decided to to some firewall cleanup while it is clear of wires. I have a series of holes, not sure...
Thanks is there a source to buy master parts book?
Ok found a panel in knee wall passenger side that looks original as it had clutch head bolts and the sheet metal match the surrounding material....
I get mist / fog when running heater. I have tried the stop leak material suggested in another thread to no avail. 1. does this look like a...
Where can I get the four rivets I need to remount terminal boards? I get they were brass and solid rounded head rivets. My best measurement...
Thanks, need to find new rivets. Also, disassemble is complete. hi/low beam switch gave me some trouble, so I removed it and then disconnected...
That makes sense, thanks. Denis
Well just about all wires have been removed from the truck. Need to get at gas gauge wire that goes through the floor, looks like might have to...
Interesting, still wonder why there is a throttle cable? Denis
Successfully removed gauge cluster with temp line intact!
Successfully removed both throttle and choke cables. What is the purpose of the throttle knob? Mine is spring loaded I can rev engine and then...
With much appreciated help from you all, I am moving along nicely. Yesterday I removed the headlights and parking lights. That resulted in...
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