Not Sure that is something we did not discuss.
Robert, There is the guy at Pomona Swap Meet that has lug nuts for most anything. That is where I got the left/right ones for my jeeps.
Robert, How soon will you be installing that jag in the truck?
X2 . ... .. . .....
Nate, There are hacks on the front and 1978 Chevy 1 ton brakes on the rear. I had to put all my weight into the stop twice going to the property...
Thanks for the link to that, I need some shocks for my 3804, just put in a NOS master cylinder last week. After having two different stand on the...
Really a nice looking truck.Thanks for sharing that John.
You may have to have that fixed or new ones made up.
That is great looking John, thanks for posting the photo of it.
Pictures, photos, snap shots etc., etc.
The rear ends can be changed out to at least 410s which are still in the pick a parts also you can have a 342/1 built as I did for my 1 ton and...
I added years ago the spring helpers on my F250 and the guy torqued them to much and all it did was bounce. I had them loosen it some so they only...
Need a canopy for now to help the paint and keep the sap off of it.
Most likely will fetch a heavy price if it ever goes up on the block. Hope they restore it back to at least drivable condition.
Welcome aboard, enjoy the ride while here. There are many here that have the 3/4 T & changed them out to 5 and 6 lug systems.
Robert, Has that person seen the ones at Truck shop on page 105 of their parts catalog?
You can also go to a farm tractor shop or store or even a shop that sells only to the big rig trucks and get the cables you need.
Thanks Steve for sharing those photos and going.
Separate names with a comma.