This site sure needs a like button.
Friday evening drove my truck to the property to see what damage the storms did this time 716 miles round trip. All the way I got cars, pick-ups...
Good to see you have complete the move John and and started plans for the new garage. I would have sent the Agent & Escrow company bill for the...
This is nice John, Glad Nick did this it's so Kool. I'm getting ready to start a 40'x 40' Canopy for my old park model coach I have in the...
Are you by chance running some very heavy duty shocks, or installed any Helix spring helpers?, or the hilux leaf spring helpers?
Nate, The Truck looks really good. Sorry to hear about the parts vanishing. Have you started putting the engine in yet?
Congrats on on having two lovely Ladies.
I believe you are correct on the model, but yes a Cord and it was $2.50 for it and washing their MG twice a month. Which later got me the job of...
I should have known that, I use to clean twice a month a 1936 Cord Graham when I was 10.
Is it Curtiss?
This is sweet;
Sorry to hear this Evan, having Brothers and Sister leave us is not an easy task.
Take the gauges out and reinstall later it makes thing easier also.
The system should work out great also insulating and putting up drywall will help winter and summer. Keeping the electrical outlets above 18...
Paul for what it is worth, I got tired of charging because of the turn signals and wired them to a 3 way switch, the left side works with the...
Nate, The vents were never there for the gas fumes in private garages they were there as anti-suicide vents, only working garages were/are...
Denis, Below is link showing a # of vents for garages from eBay, they will give you an idea of what you may need. As for the Suicide Vents...
Congrats on the newest Grandbaby Girl. Enjoy her and your other Grand Children on your time there.
Thanks for the Photos and the Videos of the truck out of the garage Paul. Congrats. Charles
Congrats Paul, Glad to hear you are getting her onto the road and able now to pour the floor in the garage now. Charles
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