Does anyone know of a source where the Assembly Manual can be viewed online? I like to be able to blow pictures up to see them hard to do witha...
Techinque Mind sharing how you did it how long it took and maybe some pictures?
Ethyl Didnt she live next to Ricky and Lucy?
tranny end of drive shaft Russ what about the Tranny side of the drive shaft what has to be done to change from closed to open drive shaft? Bill
Nice With that if she hadn't already She definately earned the title SHMBO very nice I need one for my computer desk
gasket sealing For what it is worth I did a valve job on mine back in Sept or so and put the gasket on with "Mold Release" yup the stuff you...
thanks Evan I was under the impressoin that POR 15 could also be appplied directly over rust am I mistaken I expect to clean to bare metal as...
good advice Nate I follow everyones good advice and so far its been working for me Im just thinking there isa difference between primer which is...
sealer Evan Is it important ot get more than just a primer on the "naked" steel so that rust does not take holdI have alway had this thought in...
02 silverado My Silveado has 110,000 miles on it and has been great oil changes at 3000 miles brakes at 50,000 one alternator at around 65,000...
2" off Zig with just the 2 inches off did you have any issues with bump steer ? Im wondering how far down you can go before you start to have...
absolute The temp of water can be determined at two temps 32 dgrees F freezing which is not an option here and at 212 degress f boiling. With...
AD and Ramones fans who rock how cool is that !!
warm up time I figured most of us could use a little something to wamr us up
Amazing robots I am amazed at how human like the robots are in the factory
treasure Ken I thin i have al the treasures in the world my little girl and my AD oh and SHMBO Bill
Its cold outside and there is snow on the gound so I was thinking of this past Summer and then looked at the wifes blog and she had this posted...
re reading your post When I reread your post it looks like you sent all ov the battery power through your Ammeter to ground or a direct short...
hope this helps I dont hink that wire should go to ground from the Ammeter. Check the schematic for your year here...
those parts aint worth just a story I once heard about a guy who owned a yard customer came in looking for tail lights fora some car mentioned...
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