205's ??? Hey Nate - I think you've always recommended the LT 215/85/r16 - right? I sure hope so because that is what i got. For what little i...
Hbty OOOH!-OOOH! PICK ME! PICK ME! :) and Happy Birthday! - what a great present. It looks terrific. I bought mine on my b-day in '03 as a...
good luck to you. wish i had found one this nice when i was looking.
215/60/r16 - but could go bigger i think Thought i'd let you all know what i ended up doing - for now at least. I found a single wide whitewall...
never forget this if you have to have an MRI I think i recall years ago when i had an MRI - technician asked if i ever had any metal shards in my...
what a difference wood makes You will be so happy when you get that wood laid down in the bed. What a difference it will make. I checked out your...
on a half sheet of plywood for uniform pressure? It took me a while to realize just what you were saying here. I had it pictured ALL wrong....
Dang! I sure wish I had read that article 7 years ago. Just think of the time and money i'd have saved....:rolleyes:
if you go, please take your digital camera and think of us by posting some pics of ADs please. Pics at shows can give us all good ideas of what to...
patience - you are close Jesse - the wood and that bed look great. don't get too impatient - you are getting closer to being done and you will...
no brakes or door locks Reminds me of when i first got the truck in '03 - mom wanted to go for a ride then so she and her younger sister piled...
hands down: 5 for me Personally, i love the overall design of these AD trucks either way, far and away better than anything else before or since...
Angle strips? when you say side rails, i assume you mean the bed angle strips? mine were completely in tact and in pretty decent shape, so i did...
moms too. I had to chime in on this one. Yes my dad had this truck and i remember it barely as a little kid and there is a family photo of it in...
congratulations and welcome. sounds and looks like you are making some good progress fast! take lots of pictures along the way, study up on the...
gone fish'n The old parts truck had one in it and i told the guy doing my body work i wanted to keep it and put it in the restored truck. He...
looking really good. you will be there soon.
Thanks Thank you all for your comments. I finally found the only 'before' picture i had and posted it at the beginning of this thread. If i had...
this is going to be an interesting thread....
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