I am looking for a horn and mount to mount it on the manifold. Also the original style jack and wrench too.
poke a hole in in then pry it out, then throw it away
location where is the swap meet?
stuck brakes Three things that could stick brakes , the parking brake is on, shoes stuck to the drum, drum frozen to axle. If the shoes are...
winshield trim You are right the trucks I have done without them are doing fine no problems
seat I looked in the assembly manual and could not find it. Does the hole pattern match the top three holes on the top of the seat frame?
P.b. Spring The spring is 7 inches long, 3/4 inch dia. The wire hook is 11 inches.
bed wood did the boards come predrilled ? it looks to me like the boards should have been pushed together and drilled .
wind lace crimped. crimp upper retainer to weatherstrip; start at a point 4 3/4 foward of the rear end of the upper retainer and work forward...
p.b. spring There is a little tab on top of the steel p.b. rod under the cab. The spring hooks there and goes to the cross member right behind...
windlace Sorry the book does not say start at top, It says start at the lock piller and pull it down and lube it. If you stretch it it makes it a...
trim I have done three trucks and none have had those parts, The 2 wire ones look like part of the head light trim ring, part of a set of 4
rancho valve Im gald you got one .
not starting don't forget to check the condenser. Its a cheep part you can just by one and change without changing the timing
hood fit You should check you cab mounts the back ones are just like your leef springs when the ware out the cab falls backward. Also make sure...
rancho valve yes the tube is intact. let me know I will send it with mine to be rebuilt, to Classic parts
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